Chapter 18

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DJ Got Us Fallin' in Love


A/N: And here's Jennie's chapter.

aka if you didn't hate jerk-face Mark enough...

Aaand some more Seulrene...

Thanks for all the support! Things are starting to unfold too ;)

Irene has been Jennie's best friend since they met their first year at their school.

And in all of those years she's learned to know the brown eyed woman inside out.

Her every thoughts.

Her every emotion.

Even her own heartbeat.

That's why when Mark met Irene during their senior high night year, she knew her best friend was charmed.

And Jennie would have been happy for her. She was actually tempted to scrap the stupid pact and all for her to be happy.

Irene, after all, had already had a string of relationships with both guys and girls treating her less than what she deserved. At a glance, Mark was the shining knight. The perfect match for the brunette.

Besides, Irene kept going on and on about a promise she made with a little girl before that they would marry each other someday. And even though Irene was still somehow holding onto that promise - being a hopeless romantic and all - Jennie could tell that as the years went by she was starting to lose hope of ever meeting her again.

The cat eyed woman could feel her heart crushing under the weight of the reality of the world swallowing her whole.

Mark might be the one to pull her out of her hapless and hopeless daydreams.

Except the cunning wolf used his relationship with Irene every chance he got to mess with their school performances and Jennie's help.

Step one was to plan dates during their time rehearsals or the night before so that Irene would be late.

Step two was to delete messages and reminders on Irene's phone about their rehearsals whenever he could.

Step three was almost successfully hijacking their set-list during Regionals - which almost ruined her relationship with Irene. The two argued about Mark a lot and how he was affecting Irene's dedication to her performance but when Mark stole a song they were going to perform for Regionals by having his group perform it too, they barely made it through to Nationals with their impromptu remedy of mixing the song with something else.

Something Jennie has never mentioned to Seulgi once, at least not until the whole mess of a Seulgi from a different reality waking up in theirs one unsuspecting morning started.

Because they used her first ever mix on the radio as an inspiration for it.

So yeah, to say that Jennie and Mark hated each other was an understatement.

On some level tiny miniscule level, Jennie knew that Mark probably loved Irene.

Only he was a possessive, selfish, callow, competitive jerk who uses his prince charming patented enchantments and his memorized stockpile of the most romantic movie lines to get what he wants.

So maybe Mark was the perfect knight in shining armor.

Because he dazzles you with his false perfection.

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