Chapter 13

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The Eureka Moment

A/N: Yeah, I probably can't prolong things anymore after this chapter.

Anyways, I feel like some of the things Lisa says here needed to be said.

"So I've ran some simulations."

Those were the first words that flew straight out of the blonde woman's mouth as soon as Seulgi entered her lab with Jennie. She met the brunette at the parking lot, arriving almost simultaneously.

Lisa looked quite stressed out and overworked.

And for the length of time - twenty two days to be exact, Seulgi's definitely counting the days she's had to live without Irene - she had been in this world, this was the first time Seulgi saw her like that.

Definitely not a good sign.

Lisa motioned for her and Jennie to grab a seat before she continued to go on.

Yeah, definitely not a good sign.

"And?" Jennie urged her wife on.

"Our worlds are definitely on each other's trajectory. Our earth is moving closer to Seulgi's world, and with the thin fabric of the time and space continuum still having an unresolved rift with Seulgi being here and her own world still in a standstill, there's a chance the two worlds will end up merging and colliding."

"You have got to be kidding me." The former kpop idol deadpanned.

"There's more, I'm afraid. The longer Seulgi stays here, the more she'll be able to easily blend her memories with our world's Seulgi's memories - this I get from the readings of her brain activities from our experiments and from what Seulgi tells us herself. And as it seems, the more she remembers, the more our earth moves closer to Seulgi's world. In other words, it's what's establishing the connection."

"What happens when Seulgi remembers everything our Sluggie knows?" Jennie asked.

"Convergence of the two worlds." Lisa simply answered.

Seulgi groaned. "Great. This is just great. Can't I ever get a shot at happiness? Why is it that when I finally found the strength to give it a go, things just keep rolling in to hinder said plan of giving it a go?"

"Seul, it's not all terrible." Lisa then said prompting confused looks from both her wife and the dancer. "I'm developing this item that can help send your consciousness back to your world when it's time. I think I was right to hypothesize that emotions are the key, well emotions and the right conditions. We have to replicate the same events that happened the first night we ran our instrument and we have to get you to feel the same powerful emotion you felt before you woke up here. What was the last thing you remember from that night of the meteor shower?"

"I was telling myself that if I get a chance with Irene, I'll never let her go."

"Then you go win Irene." Lisa said before the Gucci lover interrupted.

"We're already on that. But hang on a sec here Li, you said the same exact conditions as the night of the first meteor shower."

"I know Jen, and as luck would have it the universe - or should I say the multiple universes? - is or are conspiring to aid us for our cause. There's going to be a meteor shower in a month's time."

"But in a month's time is the night before Irene's wedding? And won't staying here longer only get Seulgi to tap deeper into our world's Seulgi's memories?"

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