Chapter 24

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[ You're All I Wish For ]

A/N: As mentioned last chapter, I'm switching between Seulgi and Irene for this chapter.


-Irene, the night of the meteor shower-

Seulgi left.

She just upped and left midsentence to what she was saying, and Irene didn't have the slightest clue as to why.

At first she decided to wait for Seulgi to return and come to her senses...

...but two hours later, Irene was worried sick.

Seulgi still wasn't home. She sent a good number of text messages and voicemails to her already, also alerting their friends that Seulgi just disappeared on her. She heard the buzz from the entrance, thinking that Seulgi was back and that she must've forgotten her house keys but Irene wasn't able to breathe a sigh of relief when she opened the door.

It was just... Sehun.

"So, have you told Seulgi yet? Uh, did you tell her your decision? Not to pressure you or anything."

"Sehun, what are you doing here?" Was all Irene replied with.

"Joohyun-ah." Sehun said with a soothing voice noting the signs of distress on Irene's face.

Sehun was sweet, he was intimidatingly handsome, perfect actually, if knights in shining armors are your type.

But all Irene could ever think about was Seulgi.

Even when she was away.

And yeah, she bid her time with Sehun, hoping for a distraction, hoping to finally move on from the brunette.

But what can she do? Seulgi's got a tight hold on her heart.

And her best friend didn't even know.

Irene soon found herself in an argument she didn't think she would have with the Exo member. Mostly because Sehun wanted to know if she's told Seulgi.

Now Irene didn't want to string him along, but he was the best thing she could ever have to help her move on from her bestfriend.

It was settling for second place, she knew, but she was hoping that maybe she could learn to love him some day.

The same way she loved Seulgi.

That's why when Sehun proposed, he heard her say the most unexpected thing.


Irene asked for time to think about it. But apparently as much as Sehun was trying to be patient, he wanted a sure answer.

And she didn't know what to say, instead finding herself giving him excuses to delay the answer, stating that Seulgi was missing, and she needed to find her first.

"So you're telling me your roommate is more important than us?"

"She's my best friend! And she just left. I'm worried about her, is it that so hard to understand? She doesn't just leave you midsentence, at least not me, 'cause she might actually do that to someone else, and I'm worried that something's going on with her."

Sehun sighed, backing down. "You're right, I'm sorry. How about I help you look for her? Do you know of places she likes to go to, especially when she wants to be alone?"

"Quite a few, actually."

"Then let's go."

Irene hated the fact that her senior was actually a nice guy.

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