Chapter 4

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Eliza's POV

Three years ago my best friend, Charley Bagnall left me and now he's coming back. We had just about stopped talking and I didn't know much except what I read online about him. He never mentioned me or things we had done together during any interviews, it was as if he forgot I existed. I slapped my laptop shut and rested my elbows and head on it.  Things had changed so much. Charley had more tattoos, his hair was different, I lived on my own now and was starting my final year of college in the fall. I looked in the mirror,  my hair was darker and my skin somehow seemed paler, I never noticed till now I no longer had the body of a twelve year old boy and I was still short. A knock on my apartment door ripped me from my thoughts, why didn't they ring the doorbell downstairs? My phone rang, mom, " Be there in a minute" I yelled. I answered "Eliza, there's been an accident, Charley's dead sweetie." I dropped the phone and the room swirled around me I felt as if I was going to collapse.  I ran to open the door before I did. The door was open. Suddenly someone grabbed me and bound my hands and covered my eyes all in a matter of seconds. I couldnt fight infact I only wanted them to kill me, my best friend had just died and my soul died with him.

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