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Jungkook's POV

I wake up in the morning and see Nishi laying down peacefully on my chest. Her face is so innocent looking, her tan skin glistening in the sun rays coming from the binds. Her pink lips looks so moist I wonder how they taste. Guilt slowly took over me, I did something so bad. She didn't deserve to be treated like that. I'm ashamed of myself, I can't face her.

So, I gently laid her head on the pillow and quickly get up to get ready and leave for work. I don't want to face her when she wakes up, I too ashamed of myself. After washing up I get ready, before leaving the room I took one last look at her. She is just perfect, I couldn't control I went to the bed and lean in front of her and pecked her lips and got out of the room.

Your POV

As I woke up, I see myself alone in the bed.
"Thank God he's gone." I say to myself.
I decided to go to my brothers place for a few days. I don't want to face this asshole. I hate him so much.

Time skip to Kim residence.

I walked inside and put the code in to open the door, no one was in the house, not a surprise at all. So I head straight to my room. I shut the door and don't turn on the lights and plop on my bed and get under and sheets. I stare at the ceiling, tears trickle down my cheeks. I sigh, wiping my tears and shut my eyes.

Time skip

Jungkook's POV

I walk inside the living room, I see my maid preparing the meals. So, I decide to ask her about Nishi.

"Has Nishi eaten anything all day?"
"Mr. Jeon, Mrs Jeon is not in the house."
"Did she let you know where she was going?"
"No, Mr. Jeon she didn't."
"Oh, Okay."

Where is she, she didn't inform anyone. She must have gone out for something important. I should wait for her.

Is she serious right now, it's past midnight and there's no sign of her. I'm pissed at this point. What if she's in some kind off trouble. She didn't even try to inform me where she's going. I get it she hates me, and I agree she should but at least she could have left a message or something.

I need to call Jin Hyung maybe he knows something.
I dial his number and wait for him to pick up.

"Hello Kookie-ahh what's up?"
"Hey Hyung, um is Nishi at your place?"
"No, she isn't. Why do you ask? Shouldn't you know where she is?"
"Actually Hyung.... I need to go talk to you later. Inform me if you know about her."

I hang up the phone. Where can she go, she doesn't even have any friends. Where should I look for her. I'm really worried, I did her so wrong and now if something happens to her I can never forgive myself. Oh god please help me. So, I decide to go out and look for her.

My phone starts ringing

"Hello Taehyung."
"Hey, did you find her."
"No. I've been looking for her driving through the streets but there's no sign of her."
"Listen, come pick me up. I think we should report to the police."
My heart clenched.
"If something happens to her I can never forgive myself."
"Hey don't worry, nothing's going to happen to her."
"I hope so."
I say and hang up.

At the Kim residence.

I wait inside the living room while Jin Hyung and Taehyung look for their belongings.

Suddenly I hear a large bang, I think it came from upstairs. So I start going up the stairs.

Your POV

I wake up in the middle of the night.

"God, I need to pee so bad."

I run towards the bathroom attached to my bedroom. I open the gate in a hurry and as usual slip and fall on the door making a big band noise.

"Ah my head, Why me god? Why me all the time??!!"

I stand up and slowly make my way inside the bathroom.

I finish my business and get out of the bathroom. Closing the bathroom door I turn around and see a angry Jungkook sitting on the edge of my bed. Ughhhh seriously how did he find out I was, my oppas don't know either. Why god? Why me?

I roll my eyes at him, which seems to act as fuel for the fire. He stands up and walks towards me, at first I back away then I think this is my house my brothers are here to save me. So, I cross my arms and stand there with confidence.

He stops a few steps away from me and says

"Care to explain what you're doing here. And why in the FUCKING HELL you didn't leave me any message?!"
"No I don't have to explain it to you. And why do you care all of a sudden. You got what you want so now you can just LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE."
"Oh so this is how all the husbands treat their wives. They force themselves on them and rape them. Fuck them, use them without their consent."

He froze in his spot and his gaze fall on the ground.

My brothers barge in, they run towards me and hug me .

"Hey you were here the whole time? God we were worried sick." They both said.
"Nishi why are you two screaming at each other?" Jin Oppa asks.
"I don't want to talk about it Oppa." I say
"Then go back to your home with your husband. He was worried as hell and was blaming himself for everything." Taehyung Oppa says.
"Oh really worried sick. That's new." I say and laugh hysterically.
"NISHI!! Stop acting childish and go with Jungkook." Taehyung Oppa says rising his voice.
"Oppa no please don't send me with him. I don't want to go with him. I don't want this marriage anymore. I want him to leave me alone. I never wanted to marry him, I always wanted to be with Jimin. I liked him. I want a divorce." As those words left my mouth I regretted it.

All of them looked at me with shocked expressions. Jungkook looked at me with wide eyes. His eyes are glistening. Is he tearing up.

There was an awkward silence between the four of us.

"Nishi what did you just say?" Taehyung Oppa growled at me.

My ego is too big, I don't want to admit that I was wrong for saying those things.

"You heard me." I say with a shaky voice.

"I think she's right Hyung." All of our heads turn to Jungkook. I can't believe he said that. Is he really letting me go, just like that.

"Jungkook what are you saying??!! Both of you are out of your mind." Jin Oppa yelled at both of us.

"Hyung I think Nishi should be with someone who she wants to be with. And don't worry about the companies. Taehyung and I can partner in it and the problem will be solved I guess." He says and turns away from us heading towards the bedroom door.

He turns one last time and says,
"You'll get the signed divorce papers by tomorrow morning Nishi, and if you can forgive me for everything that I've done to you." A single tear drops from his eye, he looks away. I can barely say anything. A knot is build up in my throat. He opens the door and leaves.

He left me, just like that. He didn't even try to convince me to stay with him. I get it I said it myself, but really he believed me.

Both my brothers look at me with disappointment. They says nothing and leaves. I've hurt three for the most important men in my life. My brothers and my husband.

As they leave, I break down, tears fall from my eyes uncontrollably. I fall on my knees and scream out

"What have I done??!!"

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