The End.

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One more year with Jimin passed. Jimin is probably the best thing that ever happened to me after my little Minji. I love them the most. Jimin and I are still living together, he takes care of me a lot but a little less than Minji.

And about Jungkook, he never really had the guts to file against me to get his dirty hands on my daughter. Well you can say he tried created a great fuss about it to my brothers. They visited Jimin and I, they were really angry. But when they saw Minji, all the anger vanished away. Jin Oppa cried and so did Taehyung Oppa. They handled Jungkook, and after that he never even dared to look at my family. Jin Oppa calls regularly and Taehyung Oppa doesn't call that much, but he sends gifts for Minji. I'm happy to be honest, finally I'm happy with my life.

Your POV

"Yahhh, my precious daughter's mother where are you? come here." Jimin yells.
Really why is he so cheesy.
"Really 'my precious daughter's mother' really Jimin, then am I not precious?" I ask him narrowing my eyes at him.
"Aish.. you're precious too but not more than Minji. He says wiggling his eye brows at me.
"Fine, stay with your daughter. I'm going bye." I say knitting my eyebrows together.
"Hey hey can you feed the koi fishes, pretty please." He says giving me his infamous puppy dog eyes.
"Fine." I say and walk towards the backyard.

As I throw some food on the water I see a big shell. The shell was big enough to be noticed. Everyday I clean the area around the pond but I never saw this shell before. Curiosity took over and I bend down and take the shell. The shell had a tiny lock, I clicked the lock open, there is a small ring box.

"What... is this..!!" I say with widen eyes. I open the small ring box and there's nothing inside it. It feels weird, I weirdly wanted to see a ring inside. I purse my lips, and keep staring at the empty ring box.

"Kim Nishi.."
I turn around to see Jimin kneeling on one knee with a ring in his hand and Minji is standing beside him with a big bouquet of red roses.
"Kim Nishi, I want you to officially turn into Park Nishi. Will you marry me." His eyes tear up.
"Yes!Yes!Yes! I will become Park Nishi." I say as tears run down my face.

He puts the ring on my finger and gets up. I hug him tightly. He pulls away from the hug and kisses me softly.

He breaks the kiss and looks at Minji, who hands me the bouquet with a huge grin on her face. Jimin picks Minji up and hugs me sidewise making us walk towards the house.



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