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Jimin's POV
My life just got ruined with in a few moments. Nishi didn't even try to protest against Jungkook. When he was saying I can't give them the luxury they need. Yes I overheard everything. I laugh at myself, I thought she was different from her brothers, I thought see didn't run after money. But I guess she does, isn't that the reason she was married to Jungkook at the first place.

I was a fool to love her back then, and I'm still a fool to love her now. I never showed any of my emotions to her from the beginning because I knew her brothers always wanted a rich bastard for her to marry. Even I thought she can only manage to live with a rich guy.

But when she came to me, I couldn't have blamed myself any less. I cursed myself for not telling her about my feelings from the beginning. Maybe if I did back then she wouldn't have gone through what she did.

Today, Nishi proved me wrong. I'm glad I never told her about my feelings. Because she doesn't care about emotions the only thing that she cares about is money.

But how can she just walk away with my daughter like. I can't breathe without looking at Minji's face. She is my everything, I love her so much. I can't see my daughter being taken away from me.

I roam around here and there, my mind has gone numb. I can't think straight. It's half past midnight, I find myself to be standing in front of the house I used call my home. Where I shared my life with Nishi for the past 2 and a half year. And what did she do! She just left me like that.

I laugh and wipe the tears from my eyes. I enter the house and head towards the koi pond. This was Nishi's favourite place to be in. I sit on the bench and stare into nothing.

I wonder if my baby Minji is crying.
"I hate it when she cries" I say to myself.

A few moments later.

Is Minji calling me, ah I guess I've gone crazy. My brain is making me hear her voice.
"Appa. Appa" a crying voice calls me. What is wrong with me. I grab my hair and pull it in frustration. I close my eyes and lower my head.
"Appa appa" someone touches my face. My eyes shot open.
"Minji-ah baby you! What are you..!! Come here." I pick her up on my lap, she's crying so much. It pains me to see her cry. But how did she come here.
"Appa, eomma bad. She bad" she says while hugging me tightly and sobbing softly.
"Eomma is very bad, she made my baby cry. She's really bad." I say and pat her head.
I know Nishi is probably standing behind us, waiting for me turn around. But I don't want to see her, I don't want to talk to her.

After a while I get up, Minji has fallen asleep on my lap. So, I head inside the house to put her to bed. I get to her bedroom and tuck her into bed. I didn't see Nishi anywhere, didn't she come. Who knows maybe she chose money. I don't really care about her anymore, my daughter is here and that's all that matters.

In Jimin's bedroom.

I walk into my bedroom and stop in my tracks. She was sitting there, tears running down her face. She looks up at me and smiles.

"Jimin.... I'm.."
"Please stop acting Nishi, don't even try"
"Jimin please listen to me."
"STOP IT OKAY." I yell making her flinch. She looks down at her lap and stands up.
"I'm sorry." She whispers and starts to walk away. What is she leaving me again. What the actually fuck!!
"Where are you going?"
"To Minji's room."
"Why? To take her away from me again. No you're not doing that again." I say while I grab her arms a little too tightly. I can tell she is hurting, but she didn't fight me. So I let her arms go.
"Jimin, I..I.."
"Shut up!! Will you."
I pin her to the wall.
"Just shut your mouth, will you?"
She looks at me.
"I can't control anymore Nishi."


Your POV

Jimin just walked away, he didn't even try to stop us. I guess Jungkook was right maybe he was just doing me a favour of some sort.

Minji was sleeping, so I picked her up and headed towards Jungkook's car.

The car ride was silent until Jungkook opened that dirty mouth of his.

"It's funny how Jimin just took you in and made you a part of his life."
"You know Jimin was always like this. Helping other people without thinking about himself *tsk*"
He's right Jimin is selfless, I think he let me go. Because he thinks I want to go back to Jungkook. Which I don't obviously, I hate this monster. I can't be with him.
"Stop the car."
"Eomma. I want Appa." Minji says and stats to cry.
"What the hell Nishi!!"
"Stop the car, I want to go back."
"Are you sure?!!" He says while arching a brow.
"Yes. And I'll be seeing you in court. Stop the car."
"Fine. Get out!"
I get out of the car, taking Minji and take our luggage out and slam the car door shut.

I can't leave Jimin, he's... he's my life.


Your POV

"Then don't control it Jimin."


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