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Not being able to sleep is terrible but when I do manage to sleep, forced sleep, the things that come with it aren't so pretty.

I had sleeping troubles due to my depression which lead to my insomnia which is the sleeping disorder I deal with.

I have a fear/panic disorder which is my anxiety.

I have a self doubt/hatred of self disorder which is my depression.

I also have a sleeping disorder which is my insomnia.

Does life get easier? I mean faking a relationship with a boy you also have to like when you hated him, is so hard.

I know so many girls fan girl over Draco and not that I have anything at all against them liking him, that's their choice. But I mean he isn't the nicest guy.

He's slowly accepting me, I mean slowly. But that's better than the hatred that instantly come upon us meeting, what a great day.

But enough about him before even I, the girl who hates him very dearly, starts to sound like a fan girl and nobody wants that. I can get very obsessive, I mean very.

I did become obsessed with this muggle as there was a fandom for him. He was very lovely and from the last I heard he still is.

Only thing that seems weird to me is the fact that he looks a lot like Draco, how weird.

Now back to my stupid weird nightmares that have been happening a lot lately.

One which I remember very clearly is the one that had a few familiar faces and names in it.

I remember being dragged away by men in masks.

Not able to see the front of their masks as there was no light at all.

They represent similar outlines of the many death eaters that are on the death eater team, of course.

I got thrown into a cell, there were four dark walls and bars in front of me. I looked around for someone, anything or answers.

Questions were circling my mind. Questions like 'where am I?' 'Am I being kidnapped?' 'Who are these people?' 'Why am I here alone?'.

Interrupting my trail of thoughts I heard a familiar voice and a familiar name that was being mentioned in what sounded like a female voices sentence.

'Draco dear.' The familiar voice spoke out. It sounded a lot like Draco's auntie Bella but that would be obscure.

Me and Draco were getting forced married in a few years. For them to hold me captive in their own house just didn't seem normal. I was going to be one of them, a Malfoy.

I sighed but wanted to scream for help. I want some way out, I can't live here neither do I want to stay here.

'Where is she?' The familiar voice which sounded like Draco spoke out. He seemed worried and I know Draco's worried tone more than anything, it sounded too much like him.

'I could tell you that.' The voice which I know presumed was either Narcissa of Bellatrix. Did sound a lot more like Bella.

'I demand to see her.' The voice spoke out again. I was guessing that the voice either belonged to Draco himself of Jacob whom is his little brother.

For the time being I was going to say Draco and Bella not to confuse.

'Deary' Bella spoke out as I seen her shadow creeping down the stairs, ever so slowly.

I wasn't sure weather to reply or not as I wasn't sure if there were others beyond the walls that I am cornered in.

I then see what now looked like Bella wave at me before opening my cell door. I was unable to move anything waist up as they had changed my arms so I didn't attempt to pick the lock around my feet.

'They definitely made sure that you weren't escaping, even your father did' Bella smiled in her evil witch like way, I couldn't handle this.

'Why am I here?' I asked slowly and cautiously. Bella smiled evilly, I was now on edge ever so slightly.

'Our Lord demanded you be tortured, Draco would dare too.' Bella said shrugging it off as she pinned my arms to my back holding them down.

I was shocked, three years ago Draco would have jumped at the option to get to torture me now he wasn't.

She pushed me in front of her up the stairs. Clearly wherever we were which I recognised as the Malfoy Manor.

Clearly they liked black which there was no denying that they did like black. The all wore full black on daily bases.

They had a torturing room which personally I found that weird. Bella had taken me through to the living room.

She stood while tying my hands back behind my back. She wasn't nice about it neither.

She pushed me down onto a sofa then left the room. After her departure Draco arrived standing before me.

'Same couch?' Draco said with a smile. I looked around the room.

Then I realised due to the positioning of the couch currently it was the exact couch that we first met on. I was almost in tears at how much that brought back memories.

'Lucky couch.' I said with a smile back at him. He looked as if he had been crying, that worried me much.

I haven't ever seen him like this. This worried me, he was quite and looked too sad.

'Are you okay?' I asked him in a worried tone. He nodded before looking up at me.

'Don't make this about me, it's abo-' Draco said before being cut out by the sound of the door.

Bella had come back ready to torture me. She grabbed me and pulled me.

Before I reached the door I looked at Draco and he looked back at me. It wasn't in his will to stop her and I knew that.

She removed the chains from my arms and pushed me to the floor. I laid there silently not making a sound. I didn't know that to do so I closed my eyes.

'Crucio!' Bella had screamed out at me as in that moment I screamed out in pain. My breaths becoming heaving but each hit she took.

Once done with hitting me with Crucio which was the torturing curse.

'Sectrum Sempra.' Bella screamed pointing her wand at me. I instantly felt in pain.

My breaths drew heavier again as I screamed again. I was bleeding out.

~~~~~DREAM END~~~~~
I was then awoken...

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