Chapter 2

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When I arrived at my apartment, I jumped on my bed, creating a loud thud

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When I arrived at my apartment, I jumped on my bed, creating a loud thud. Bored, I scrolled through Instagram. College is tiring as hell. Tomorrow I also have to go to work, not to mention this guy can call me anytime.

Huh, that guy. Why do I even remember him?

Though, I have to admit that he is quite handsome. I know, I know it's really ironic for me to say that. But, it's true. He's not just handsome, but hot. From the looks and the way he does things, he's pretty convincing.

Ok, why am I even thinking about him? He only disturbs my life and my free time. I can't wait until this is over then, I can go back to my daily, peaceful life.

Sighing, I changed to my pajamas and ate a few snacks before I decided to lie in bed. I breathed heavily. Why is this happening to me? What is going on with my mind that I just accepted a stranger that easily? Am I too gullible?

Then, a sound of my ringtone was heard. I sat up my bed instantly and looked at my phone.

Jungkook is calling

My heart stopped for a brief second and I looked at the screen. He's calling me. A stranger just called me. Is it safe? It's already night time so why is he calling me? About seconds thinking in mind, I gulped and decided to answer it.

"Hello? I greeted cautiously.

"Tomorrow at 4 pm, yea?" He straightforwardly said.

My eyes widened and automatically, I got annoyed. Don't you think it's kind of rude? Calling a person this late and with no greetings, he just asked you straight away?

"What? No, my shift hasn't end at that time. " I said in the most bitchiest way possible.

"Fine then, When does your shift end or what day are you free?" I can feel him rolling his eyes and I rolled my eyes back at him.

It's kind of weird you know, it feels weird. He just asked me to sort of tutor him. And I'm tutoring a pretty weird lesson. Why does it sound so wrong?

"My shift ends at 6 pm and I only work every Tuesday and Thursday. " I said and looked up to the ceiling, trying to remember if I was correct or not.

"Shit, ok. Umm... Friday then. " He cursed and I raised my eyebrows.

"What time?" I just wondered why he wanted to start this lesson very early. Hello, we just met today.

"4 at... XOXO cafe? Is that okay with you?" I shrugged to myself before answering.

"Sure, I guess." I laid back down on my bed, feeling tired already.

"Kay." He said awkwardly before ending the call.

Shit, what am I gonna do with him this Friday? What the heck should I do to break his heart? What does breaking his heart even mean? Oh my god, why did I even agree to the weirdest thing ever? I groaned and slowly, I fell asleep.

Heartbroken- Jeon JungkookWhere stories live. Discover now