Chapter 7

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Author POV

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Author POV

Jungkook's legs were fidgeting up and down inside the waiting room. His friend, who accompanied him patiently got anxious because Jungkook himself. Seeing his best friend so uneasy and keep sighing every minute, he tried to reach his hand to lat his back— but that failed as Jungkook stood up impatiently.

"Where is she? God, this girl! I told her that I should pick her up! And look at her now? Late!" Jungkook started walking back and forth at the waiting room, feet stomping the floor till it makes a very obnoxious sound.

"Ok, Jungkook, relax first. I'm sure she'll be here any minute. That's just how Yoona is." Taehyung confidently said, pushing his head back to the headrest of the sofa, still staring at Jungkook's uneasy figure.

Jungkook stopped walking back and forth but now, he's looking or correction, glaring at Taehyung. The fact that Taehyung knew her longer made Jungkook somewhat annoyed. It was very weird so he shrugged it off and pretended it was just his sensitive emotions kicking in.

"Easy for you to say because you know her longer. I am the one responsible for her right now and if she doesn't get here on time, who do you think our manager will blame? Or worse PD- him himself?" His words made Taehyung shook his head as he patiently hid his emotions. When the maknae's mad, you can't do anything about it. Even when you want to complain or even be offended.

"Why don't you just call her then?" Taehyung gave the maknae a solution as calm as possible.

"Well, let's see if she even answers-" Before Jungkook could even open his phone, the door opened revealing the girl they had been waiting for.

"I'm sorry I'm late!" She said as she catched a breath, her hair disheveled as the sweater she was wearing made wrinkles, probably because of the wind.

"There you are!" Jungkook hurriedly walked towards her. "Oh my god, were you dead? You're definitely late, I'm gonna be so dead. " He said as he attempts to turn Yoona around back to the door.

"Well, it's not my fault that traffic-" Taehyung comprehend whatever's happening.

Yoona's word was no longer heard as Jungkook pushed her out the door even before Taehyung said anything. He only sighed and sat back down and thought in his mind: 'What's the point of me being here then?'


Butterflies. That's what I feel right now. My stomach is full of it. This ticklish feeling transmitted into my whole body and it just felt so weird, yet beautiful. How did this happen? Maybe ever since Jungkook took my wrist when I couldn't move faster. I can't understand what's happening.

Even when he ranted to me in this long away, I couldn't hear him. I only looked at him. Him. I think he has something to do with why these butterflies appear. Jungkook, what have you done to me?

Heartbroken- Jeon JungkookWhere stories live. Discover now