Chapter 5

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It's been a week since that day of our argument and when I learned how to dance

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It's been a week since that day of our argument and when I learned how to dance. He taught me a lot of songs to dance from his group; one of them including which was called 'Butterfly'. I guess that was my favorite song from his group for now. Yes, those days I was supposed to teach him heartbreak turned to be a weakly dance lesson.

The weird part is, I don't even know why I agreed. Probably, I just wanted to try something new.

Yet, I still haven't met all the members. I only met three of them. Yes, Taehyung, Suga, Jimin, and of course, Jungkook. I met Jimin when Jungkook and I were practicing a dance. He barged into the room, saying he wanted some milk or something.

He was quite shocked to find me and vice versa, but he quickly calmed down after Jungkook explained to him what was going on. He even joined the dance that day and thank goodness we became good friends.

Apparently, the guy who barged in to the waiting room the day Jungkook took me to was Suga, or should I say, Min Yoongi. To be honest, that's the only time I've ever met him. I never met him again ever since I exited that waiting room.

It actually surprised me that even the weirdest person I've ever met, turned out to be so fun and all happy. Yes, I was annoyed by Jungkook a couple times, but he always had ways to make everything better. Like a hypnosis of happiness.

The only thing I don't understand and what I always wondered is, if he was already this happy, is it truly right for him to have his heartbreak? It weirded me out. After all, who would ditch their happiness to some gloomy and suicidal action?

The answer to that question is what Jungkook hasn't been telling me. It's what's preventing me from actually teaching him how to be heartbroken. Though, I'm glad he hasn't told me yet, because I wouldn't know what to do myself.

I haven't even figured out what's in it for me in this deal.

"Yoona? Yah, stop spacing out won't you?" His gigantic hands swiped a few times in front of my eyes making me blink back to reality.

I quickly looked at him and awkwardly smile. I should stop having deep thoughts.

"Y- yeah, I'm here. W- what was that?" I asked awkwardly for him to repeat the question.

But he only sighed and rolled his eyes. Come on, man, people zone out sometimes.

"You weren't listening this whole time?" He asked in a flat tone making me nod in guilt.

He himself shook his head, "What was the last thing you heard?" He asked, shifting himself on the floor to sit in a better position.

Although, why does this suddenly feel like an interview?

"That you were gonna teach me how to sing?" I looked to the ceiling, thinking if what I said was correct.

Looking back at him again, his eyes widened and his hawk parted. I only have him a questioning and guilty look, waiting for him to say something.

"Are you kidding me? That was 15 minutes ago! What were you even thinking about?" He complained and face palmed making me shrug in guilt.

"College duties, and after all, we never had a deal of your teaching me things— I'm supposed to teach you things." I reasoned out and pointed at myself.

"And I thought we got over this already!" He raised his voice and groaned before completely laying down on the floor covering his face.

I only chuckled at him.

"Ok fine, I'm sorry. What was the actual question?" I asked hoping that it'll try and make him feel better.

In an instant, he sat up and grinned at me. This boy, really, "Sing one of my group songs!" He said excitedly while I just cringed at the thought.

Me? Sing? Let's skip that.

"Ey, I can't sing. I don't even know your songs that well. Let's just do something else." I awkwardly laughed, hoping to move on to the next topic.

"Nonsense! Everyone can sing! You don't have to sing my songs then." He assured and I had to stop my hands from strangling him.

If by everyone you mean a baboon, then, yes, I can sing.

"Jungkook, imagine a melodious angel singing right on top of a cloud." I said with brimming eyes and a hopeful tone.

He nodded and started imagining, "Well, isn't that a good–" I cut him off.

"Now throw that idea out of the window."

His face that was once smiling, turned into a frown in an instant and I laughed at the priceless reaction. Goodness, I have to thank Twitter for that joke.

"That was not funny." He insisted with a flat tone and emphasized the 'not'

"Tch, you're such a kid." I said as I punched his arm lightly, still laughing at my own incredible joke.

"But seriously, not even a single line?"
He asked with hope but I shook my head and he pouted.

"I can play piano, though." I unconsciously said which I later regret because his eyes were wide and he was smiling.

I felt like I know what he was going to do next. "Then will you play?" He asked and I gasped.

"No, definitely not." I emphasized and he sighed in defeat.

"What college do you even go to?" He randomly asked and laid back down on the floor, fidgeting the hem of his shirt.

"I go to an art college. That's one of the reasons why I play. But singing isn't just my thing. I mean, last week was the first time I learned how to dance." I admitted and he nodded with an 'ah'.

"So, I was the first person to teach you how to dance?" He asked and I shook my head.

"Nope, it was Zendaya from 'Shake It Up'." I replied and once again laughed at my own joke.

He groaned before sitting up and looked at me with an unreadable expression. He must be pissed at me for giving him these jokes. I actually don't know what's even happening to me. I'm not usually this jolly.

"You're unbelievable." He said before standing up, probably doing another dance while I just sat there and tried to stop myself from laughing.

But before he could play music, the door of the room opened, making us stop whatever actions we were doing and looked towards it.

"Jungkook? Yoona?" Taehyung's shocked voice rang the room and I gulped.

"Oh guys! Fancy seeing you here!" Another voice said and I looked over. Thank goodness it was Jimin.

"Are you guys having another dance lesson?" Jimin asked so Jungkook and I looked at each other.

"Uh, yeah." He said awkwardly, putting his phone down, stopping his intention to turn on the music.

"Wait, dance lesson?" Taehyung's confused voice asked and I just nodded.

Jimin laughed before explaining, "These two had been dancing here for the past week. I stopped by them once."

Taehyung's eyebrows furrowed, "Why?"

Good question. Why? I looked over to Jungkook expecting him to say something and he did.

"Just because."

A/N: Have to u guys ever been to this restaurant called 'Salad Stop'? Apparently, I have and the salads there were sooo delicious. Sorry if you guys aren't vegetarians. I mean, I'm not myself. I basically eat anything edible. That's why I'm fat :p

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