Chapter 11

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"What are you guys talking about?" Suddenly, Jungkook and Namjoon walked towards us and we decided to shut our mouths from the talk

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"What are you guys talking about?" Suddenly, Jungkook and Namjoon walked towards us and we decided to shut our mouths from the talk

                We both said in Unison

We froze after what we said were different things. We looked at each other and I can see that we both had an intense look on our faces.

"Oh, really?" Jungkook raised his eyebrows and sat down beside us while Namjoon sat on the same spot in the couch as before.

"Ehm, you know. School... College... Same stuff." Taehyung said and I nodded

"Okay... " His eyebrows was still raised  as he looked at the both of us suspiciously.

We both just smiled awkwardly. His stare stopped when Jimin suddenly came to the room.

"Where are the others?" Jimin asked as he didn't see Jin and Hobi around.

"Meh, probably peeing their pants off. Their reaction was much more enjoyable to see than the own movie" Namjoon said and Jimin let out a small laugh and then sat beside him.

"No, but seriously, the movie was awsome. I'm glad I chose a horror movie." Jimin said

"Funny you say that" I said sarcastically and rolled my eyes

"Well, I enjoyed it" Jungkook said making me look at him

Only to see him smirking. I get the thought that we were hugging each other and my face turned red. I hit him on the shoulder and he just laughed.

"What did we miss?" A voice made us turned our heads and it was the two people we had been waiting for.

"There you are! Come on, let's do something" Taehyung said

After a solid 15 minutes debating on what to do, we decided to play truth or dare. Okay, cliché but like, we had to. Namjoon took a water bottle and we all made a circle. Namjoon placed the bottle in the middle of the circle and he spun it.

The bottle spun and it landed on...
"Jungkook! Truth or dare?"

"Aish, why me? Okay... Umm... Truth" He answered and we all thought what we should ask him.

Suddenly, Taehyung scooted closer to me and whispered me something in the ear.

"Ask him who he likes right now" V said

"Are you crazy? Why would I ask that? You go!" I whispered back

"Fine, I'll do it" He stopped right when Jungkook cleared his throat and raised his eyebrows at us.

I tried to avoid his eye contact incase it's awkward and I am so glad I did because Taehyung fired his question at him.

"Do you have someone in mind that you like?" V asked

Jungkook seemed to let out a little smirk as he looked down. But then, he bobbed his head back up and smiled.

"No. I guess." I flinched as I heard his answer

Good thing no one seemed to notice that well... Except for the person beside me because he is now tapping my back. I can feel him leaning in to my ear.

"I'm sorry. I should have not asked that question" V said and I gave him a bitter smile and shook my head

"Ey, this is truth or dare. Don't keep these to yourselves!" Jimin said which made our heads turned

"I've been wondering that too. Are you okay, Yoona-ah? What were you guys talking about?"

"Nothing" I quickly answered

"Yeah, she's fine. And we are not keeping anything from you guys" Taehyung said

"Well, I doubt that" Namjoon mumbled quietly but I can still hear it in my ears.

"Let's spin the bottle again." Taehyung said

He spun it and it landed on... ME?!? I gulped and they all gave me an intense look on their faces.

"Truth or dare?" Jimin asked me

"Uh... Truth" I said

"Tch, so many truths today" Namjoon rolled his eyes

"I have one for you. What were you talking about with V?" Surprisingly, those words came out of Jungkook's mouth

"W-what? L-let's talk about something else" I stuttered

If he knew what we were talking about, I'm dead.

"What do you expect? It's truth or dare. On 3, you and V need to say the thing you were talking about. That way we'd know if you're telling the truth or not" Jungkook explained and I bit my lip in nervousness

I gave Taehyung a pleading look. No, just no. No one should no anything we talked about.

"Jungkook, it's not necessary to do that. She'll tell you the-" Taehyung got cut off

"1" Jungkook looked deadly towards me

"Jungkook, stop." V said again


"Damn it! Yoona!" V looked seriously but pitiful at me


               Me and him said in unison.

Jungkook gave us a satisfied yet a curious smirk. I closed my eyes. This is the end for me. I gulped and looked at V. He was looking at me with a worried and pity look.

"Someone's not telling the truth today" Jungkook raised his eyebrows, still smirking

I gasped a little and something unexpected happen. Why am I suddenly remembered of him? In a second, I was in somebody's arm. His hug was protective. That's why it reminded me of him.

"Jungkook, stop. You don't know how it hurts her." V said

He was the one hugging me. Taehyung. It shocked me at first. But I know he did this because he wanted to protect my secret. Thank you, Taehyung.

Jungkook looked at us shockingly. It was like filled with guilt, shock, worry, sorry, yet still curious. He came closer to us and sat beside me. I hate being with him that close so, I closed my eyes and lower my head so my hair could cover my face.

Taehyung let go of the hug slowly and let me sat straight. I still kept my head down. I could feel Jungkook's arm wrapping my shoulder tightly. This made my head laid on Jungkook's shoulder.

"I'm sorry" He whispered on my ears and I just nodded my head slowly.

I averted my gaze to V and he gave me a 'don't-stop' look. I smiled at him and he smiled back.

"Well, this is a truth or dare gone wrong" Namjoon said

"Well, time to sleep" Jimin said then went to the other couch and laid there.

"Yeah, let's call it a night" Hobi opened his mouth

"Yeah, we all sleep here, right? Because I cannot get that doll face off of my mind" Jin said

"Mmhmm. I'll sleep here" Taehyung said then laid down on the carpet

We went to our places. Jungkook, me, and Taehyung were on the carpet. Yes,  me in the middle. Jin and Hobi moved to each different couches and slept there. Namjoon didn't move at all and just laid down on the couch he sat.

Thank god that Jungkook didn't know anything or else... I'm probably dead of embarrassment.

A/N: I wish I could play truth or dare with BTS.  :'(

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