De-ode to Mom

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I love you momma,
But stop telling daddy about everything
(I do)

I love you momma,
But stop saying 'it's good' to everything I drew
(& have written)

I love you momma,
But put a pause in joking that at zero I showed up Caucasion.
(I couldn't find my adoption proof)

I love you momma,
But don't enter my room while I'm undressing and go leaving all aloof
(That makes me pout)

I love you momma,
But refrain from looking at me weird just because I freaked out
(Just close the door)

I love you momma,
But no need to keep getting more and more
(The leftovers are enough for food)

I love you momma,
But please invite me out to eat & the movies too.
(It's always when I'm in the mood)

I love you momma,
But don't keep an expression like I should be in the loo
(I already knew)

I love you momma,
But you should already know I'm in the queue
(My time's due)

I love you momma,
But don't doubt that I won't get a zoo
(My future owl will say 'hoo')

I love you momma,
But please believe that I say what's true
(It takes two)

I love you momma,
But do understand that, that is not a lie to you
(After all it's you I'm talking to)

-Apr. 27, Edit: May 13

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