Nycotophobia: A Haiku

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The little ground lamp
Is what she left on again
When I wake this time.

My attachment clear,
It's hard to find a way out
Of my mind's late games.

The routes pick at me
With their tangibilities
Severely haunting.

A reason with "why"
Has not come from the darkness
Or their dark figures.

What has come instead
Included varieties
Of dark's personnel.

I'm left to those thoughts
The ones that conjure "monsters"
Unseen by others.

I curl up in bed
As my mind rendezvous with

Even as a child
I learned how to deal with things
Though I had less fears.

The light stays a shield
My covers hold as armour
And my "bears" lay guard.

- April 6, '18
I've got to improve.
#fears #haiku #phobia
Nyctophobia: the fear of darkness

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