How It All Started

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To be a gang leader you have to be the scariest of them all. The strongest of them all. The smartest of them all. The bravest of them all, and the most ruthless of them all. Everyone knows you and treats you with respect because of such power you have. They see you as a fatherly figure in their life or the big brother they have always wanted. Well that's if you're a man of course. Which I happen to not be.

Usually when you read stories about gang leaders he is this fine ass man who can make any woman swoon with just a look. Well I am a fine ass woman who can make any woman swoon with just a look. I created this gang at the age of 12 and have ruled this gang since the age of 12. I know what you're thinking "she lying" or "that's not possible" but it is. When I was 5 I was diagnosed with "SPD" aka split personality disorder. I have 3 other personalities and I love them to death.

When my "parents" found out I had SPD they got me help in hopes that it would make me normal but boy were they wrong. When I turned 6 one of my personalities came out and I went on a killing rampage, and killed over 2,000 people. I woke up the next day to see myself covered in blood but none of it was mine. My parents saw me as a monster and sent me to an aslyum. It hurt me honestly. I didn't understand what was happening all I knew was that my parents had abandoned me. After that day I went mute. I never said anything to anyone. I only gave them head gestures and things like that.

After 2 years in that horrible place I met my first friend. Her name was Tiny and she taught me sign language since I didn't speak. She became my best friend and we were inseperable. At the age of 10 I broke out and took Tiny with me. I was a very stubborn kid and didn't listen to anyone. That didn't end well. When we broke out I went straight for my parents. They betrayed me and I wanted to make them pay. I didn't have a plan but I didn't care all I know is that I wanted them dead. I went to my old house but they moved. They just left me behind and didn't care. They moved all the way to New York and left me behind. I thought they were just to sad to come see me but I thought wrong.

I don't exactly remember how but Tiny and I got a way to NY. Apart of me was excited to see them but the other part of me not so much. I found a gun and my first instinct was to kill them. I found there address and made my way there. Big mistake. My parents were always rich and had a lot of enemies so we had protection. That's where I fucked up.


"Bree please don't do this. Its not worth it" Tiny kept trying to get me to stop but I didn't listen. I didn't care, I just wanted "them" dead. I snuck to the side of house successfully without being seen there were guards around the hole house but i guess the ones for this side were on break. I started to climb the vines on the side of the house until i got to a window. It wasn't opened but it wasn't locked either. I opened the window and climbed inside quietly. After I got inside I closed the window and got on the floor. The lights were off in this room and the door was closed but the was light coming from under it. I looked around and saw 3 cribs. I peeked in one and there was a sleeping baby. I was shocked how could my parents do this to me I thought that loved me. I had siblings and they weren't going to tell me. I looked in the other 2 and saw to more babies identical to the first one. I wanted to cry my heart out but i had to finish what i came here for. Out of no where the first baby started. Loud might I add. I was about to go over there but i heard pounding foot steps coming towards the door. I his behind the last crib closet to the door and cocked my gun slowly. The door opened and and in came the man who ruined my life. The man who helped give me this life. My father. He strut toward the first crib and picked up the crying baby. He rocked the baby back and forth and eventually the crying went down. He gave the baby the pacifier and put her back in her crib. I quietly crawled from behind the last crib and stood behind my father. I pointed the gun at his head and waited for him to turn around. Once he did he scream and i got scared and shot him instantly. He immediately callapsed. I was still shaken up from the whole thing and couldn't move. All 3 babies started crying im guessing for the fire of the gun and that shook me out of my shocked state. I ran towards the window but didn't make it far before.


*flashback over*

I died that night. My life was supposed to be over wasn't. I woke up a year later but I wasn't human. I still don't know what I am till this day but I was given these amazing abilities which I only use when needed. I found out I killed my sperm doner but my birth giver was alive. I wasn't as stupid as I was before considering I actually died, so I actually planned something this time.

Tiny was with me every step of the way. I found out my birth giver had more kids so I kidnapped them just to watch her suffer. To watch her feel betrayed by her own blood line like I felt. She killed her self 2 months after the triplets were taken and I never felt happier. I stole their money, their land and their power. I loved the feeling of being feared so I started my own gang called Queenpin and created a name for myself. Everybody knew me as El Diablo. They knew I was a women which made the situation better. They were even more afraid to know a woman could be so ruthless. At the age of 12 I started my own empire. At the age of 12 I was feared by everyone. At the age of 12 I was known as the deadliest person on the planet. Who is that person? Breeanna Saviour at your service.

OOOOOH how you like?

This wasn't an actual chapter it was more like an explanation or something but the next one is an actual chapter so stay tuned.

Its ya girl jay signing off


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