Attack - Part 1

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I look between Tiny and her mate decided who to help. Im overwhelmed. I can't think. I love Tiny she's always going to be my first choice. Who do you help from getting kidnapped. The person who stop you from killing yourself multiple times? That same person who held you while you cried everyday for 6 months straight? That same person who helped you become the person you are today? Or her mate?

If I dont choose her mate she'll never forgive me, but if I dont choose her I'll never forgive myself.

I have decided to save....

24 Hours ago

Presidents Mansion

4:00 p.m.

H Triplets POV♤

"BREE WHAT DID WE SAY ABOUT KILLING PEOPLE?!" We yelled in unison. She cringed before rolling her eyes. We glared at her. She grinned sheepishly before signing "He's not even dead...........yet" She signed the last word sloppily like we didnt see it. We looked at Tiny and gave her "the look" she immediately understood and slapped Bree. Bree pouted before crossing her arms and stomping her foot like a little child. Her mate giggled a little hiding behind her hand.

Bree's head snapped in her direction. She stuck her tounge out like a little kid causing her mate to start giggling uncontrollable. She fell to the floor clutching her stomach. Bree's eyes turned a light pink and she smiled a little. One thing Bree hates about herself is how her eyes always give her away. They turn a certain color based on her emotions unless she's uses a certain power then they glow the same color as her hands. Her eyes are pink right now meaning love and adoration. She loves her mate already why can't she just admit it? We heard shuffling and looked to where the noise came from. Bree's mates "friends" were hiding behind the guards who we forgot were in the room.

"Why y'all hiding?" Tiny asked curiously. "Cause that bitch gonna try to kill us" One of the unknown ones said.


We all looked at Bree. She was just staring off in space with a frightened look on her face. Bree?" T asked cautiously while slowly walking up to her. We stared at her left hand waiting.

And waiting

And waiting

And waiting

Until it finally started to shake. We rushed towards her mate picking her up from the ground getting her as far from Bree as possible. "Hey no no no no no Bree look at me. Its okay you're not there anymore. They can't hurt you calm down for me." Tiny tried reasoning with her keeping a distance between them. Bree started breathing rapidly backing away gripping her hair with her left hand. Tiny looked at us "Get her out of here NOW!" We grabbed Tiny's mate rushing out off the room and took off down the hallway. "NO NO WAIT where are we going whats wrong with her" Her mate said trying to go back. We stopped her saying that if she wanted to live she'd stay with us but she kept trying to go back. "Your friend said something that triggered a bad memory. A really bad memory." The E triplets said in unison as they glared at the unknown friend. "What bad memory?!" She asked. We just looked at her. "Let me guess its not your place to tell?" We just continued to stare at her until she nodded in defeat. We stayed put until we noticed how quiet it was. So quiet that you could here a pen drop from the upstairs floor. "Somethings wrong" we said in unison. At the same time all of us looked down the hallway. Its too quiet. Something is definitely wrong.

"We have to go NOW!" We all yelled. But it was too late. The door flew open and Tiny came flying out off it with an ear piercing scream. She hit the wall with a hard empact leaving it cracked really bad. She slid down the wall leaving a blood trail from her head. We looked away knowing there was nothing we could do. We pushed Bree's mate behind every single one of us. We can't let her get hurt or Bree would kill us. You may be wondering what do you mean she just hurt Tiny and what not. This isn't Bree. Its one of her personalities. While in the Asylum Bree was targeted the most. She was small and fragile. She was the perfect target. She was tortured until she finally met Tiny. They tried to find a cure for her personality disorder by torturing her. She vowed that if that ever happened again she wouldn't go down without a fight.

Thats whats happening now. The unknown friend said something that triggered her and she's having flashbacks. She'll think anyone she see's is one of them. She's only trying to protect herself, and to do that she lets out her most dealiest personality. Red. Red doesn't just kill to kill unless she's bored. Right now she's only trying to protect Bree.

She came out of the room growling at Tiny. Gripping her by the throat yanking her off the ground. Dangling her in the air. Tiny gripped her hand but didn't fight back knowing she'll see her as a threat. Confusion was written on Reds face. She's probably wondering why Tiny isn't fighting back. Tiny raised her hands in surrender trying not to cry. We looked back and the gang was holding back Tiny's mate as she had tears streaming down her face. Her eyes glowing brighter than they have before. We mind link the E triplets to handle that while we focused on Bree. We can't fight her or she would use her powers and kill us all. Red is basically a killing machine. We can't do anything but wait for her to snap out of it and hope she doesn't kill Tiny. A tear rolled down our cheeks unnoticeable wondering how much longer it would take before Tiny stopped breathing.

The moon goddess answered our prayers when Red dropped T on the ground. She coughed uncontrollably gasping for air. Red squinted her eyes at her before realization crossed over her face. She started to back away while shaking.

Bree was back.

Bree's POV

I backed away from Tiny shaking uncontrollably. I didn't try to I swear I didn't. I just- she said something- an-and I didn't mean to. Tears streamed down my face as my back hit a wall. I slid down the wall and put my head in my hands. I hate when this happens. Why did this have to happen to me? I dont mean to hurt them. I felt a hand touched my shoulder lightly but it scared me and I flinched. I knew it was Tiny. I wrapped my arms around her and cried. She kept telling me how it was okay and how it wasn't my fault. I just continued to cry. I dont mean for any of this to happen. Tiny is my best friend I can't imagine the things she goes through having to deal with all my baggage. I felt a light pop on my hand before Tiny scolded me for thinking what I was thinking. She told me we are one together my problems are hers and hers are mine. She said she loved me and I said it back through the link. Its times like this where I wish I could just pluck up the courage to speak. Speaking causes damage. If I dont talk at all nothing goes wrong. Or so I thought.

Someone cleared there throat and we looked up. It was a nervous looking guard. He was staring at us. I straight faced him and his eyes widened before he looked at the ceiling awaiting permission to speak. I nodded my head "Speak!" Tiny said sternly. "I am sorry to inform you Ms. Diablo but we were meant to leave the mansion thirty minutes ago because we had word that we were about to be attacked." He spoke never taking his eyes off of the ceiling. "How long?" Tiny asked. He stayed quiet."speak" well someone is well trained. "They are here now Ms." I rolled my eyes. We can never catch a break. "Dismissed" He scurried out of the room. Tiny gripped my face looking me in the eyes. "I love you" she says "I love you to" I mouth back. We stood up only to be knocked back down by a loud "boom" shaking the whole mansion. Everyone rushed in this room slamming the door shut. "We're under attack" They say in unison. Tiny stood up and helped me up as well. They looked at me awaiting orders. I made a knife appear in my hand twirling it through my fingers grinning.

"Lets give them what they came for"


How did y'all like this chapter?

Should I publish again tomorrow?

I have a few ideas in mind that i need to write before i forget them.

To be honest i dont know where im going with this book. Its just whatever comes to mind i guess.


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