Attack - Part 2

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6:00 p.m.

President's Mansion

14 Hours Till Kidnapping

Bree's POV

I grunted throwing the twentieth body off of me. These people weren't playing. There was blood everywhere. I must say its a beautiful sight, but its kinda hard to move with all these bodies in the way. Im not using my powers because the public dont know off these powers I have. I know you're probably thinking "why were you so careless with these powers earlier" Well this isn't a temporary mission. I found my mate meaning she's going to be with me forever and so are her friends. I'd rather have her know about my powers from me rather then her getting kidnapped and the kidnapper tell her. Then she'd think I dont trust her and they'll start filling her head with lies. It may not seem like a big deal now but it will benefit us all in the future.

This is so boring. There's no action really happening. I looked to my right to see my lil baby going in on three niggas at the same time. That shit just made her ten times sexier. After she knocked out the third one she flipped her curly hair over her shoulder while rolling her eyes and scoffing. I guess she felt my stare because she looked at me. I just licked my lips. The sight of her covered in blood made her look bad ass. Just down right sexy. She winked at me making me blush and look away. I heard her laugh in a distance before she came my way. She's going to be a handful. I could've sworn I told her to stay with the guards. Children these day I tell you. I rolled my eyes at the thought. Before I could do anymore thinking a soft hand trailed up from my stomach to my neck gripping it softly. I immediately knew it was her. Her grip got tighter and she used her other hand to yank my head back by my hair. "Rolling your eyes at me love?" She whispered in my ear seductively before licking it. I shivered feeling the metal of her tounge ring circle around my earlobe. I didn't move. I was too busy trying to savor the feeling. She yanked my head back harder so my head was on her left shoulder. Pulling me into her by my neck my back hit against her chest. A soft gasp escaped my lips from the small impact. She hummed in approval before leaving a trail of kisses up my neck back to my ear. I love how she's just unbothered by the fact that we are surrounded by dead bodies. "Answer me" she whispered again kissing behind my ear.

I shook my head no while biting my lip. "Are you sure?" She whispered. I nodded yes this time. "I dont think you are" she said before spinning me around smashing her lips into mine. Before I could kiss back she pulled away letting my neck go. "Lets go baby we've got people to kill" she said while walking away. I just stared at her back as she exited the room. Did she just? She thinks she can tease me and get away with it? Ight bet.

I made myself presentable before walking out of the room. Once I got down stairs I was met with a blood bath. It was absolutely beautiful. There was blood all over the walls and floors;there were bodies everywhere. Call me crazy I dont care. This is a gorgeous sight. The smell of blood excites me. Jah was just killing off the last guy before they all looked at me. I blushed smiling shyly. They cooed at my shyness making me pout. Its not my fault I got bitched. I followed my mates scent to see her sitting on the couch eating candy scrolling her phone. Everyone stared at her in shock taking their attention off of me. I would stare in shock if I had just met her to. The room is filled with dead people and she's eating candy. Of course there shocked plus my baby sexy. She had her hair pulled up in a messy bun. Her shirt was off so she just had on her chain and sports bra. She had on joggers that hung low so that you could see her boxers, but they were hanging to so you mostly saw her V line. She had a cut on her cheek, there was blood on her stomach. Her very sexy stomach. Damn. And the way she was biting that candy. Mannn. Can I be that piece of candy? I snapped out off my thoughts seeing them stare at her with.....lust? That made me angry. She's mine! I growled lowly feeling my canines come down. "MINE!" I yelled through the mine link. They dropped to their knee's submissively unable to handle the power off my wolf's aura. I felt hands on my shoulders realizing it was my mate. I didn't see her get up. She whispered reassuring words in my ear about how she belonged to me and how she'd never want anyone but me. I licked my lips after my canines retracted. "Mine" I pushed the word into her thoughts letting her know who she belonged to. I can read anyone's thoughts or send my thoughts to them. They can't send it back but I can't read their mind for the reply. I would never read her thoughts without her permission though. She seemed shocked for a second because her hands stopped rubbing my shoulders. She recovered after a few seconds whispering back "yours". Satisfied with her response I gripped her hand and walked off, before remembering my traitor I let go off her hand shoving her in front off me harshly pushing her out the door. I slammed it shut before giving her apologetic eyes. She seemed confused but didn't question it. I grabbed her hand softly intertwining her fingers with mine before walking to my black and red Lamborghini.

I got one of my trusted members to bring my car and they'll take my bike. She didnt drive it she towed it. I opened the passenger door for her to get in before going to the other side and getting in my self. My mate was about to put her seat belt on before I stopped her. She was confused. She'll see why in a minute. I slid my seat back motioning for her to do the same. I started the car and waited for the processing to happen. A bright red light came from the steering wheel scanning me up and down multiple times. After the scanning was done I had to put in my fingerprint, then my password, and the names of both my personalities. Extra I know believe me I know. This is a very high tech car which of course I made my self. No one else is allowed in the car or else it will self destruct if im not in it with that unknown person. "You are Breeanna Saviour correct?" A holographic yes and no button appeared in the air. I clicked yes and I was done. Now its her turn. The bright red light scanned my mate a few times before beeping rapidly. All the doors locked immediately as it counted down preparing for self destruct. Her eyes widened before she looked at me. I chuckled a little before lifted my arm rest pressing the red button. Another hologram appeared in the air and I typed in my long ass password and pressed enter. I put my finger print on the steering wheel once more before the beeping stopping and the doors unlocked. She sighed in relief about to speak before the red light scanned her once again. "Are you Breeanna Saviours's mate?" The car asked. Yes and no popped up once again. She looked at me and I nodded. She hesitantly pressed yes before the finger print scanner popped up. It scanned and locked in her finger prints before telling her to put in her name and a password. She looked at her phone before putting in her password. She blushed lightly before pressing enter.  It scanned her face with a red light before it turned green. "Are you Breeanna Saviour confirming this process?" I chose yes. It took a picture of her face before everything went away. "Is it done?" She asked. I nodded grabbing her hand kissing it lightly before sending "whats mine is yours" to her thoughts. She blushed redder hiding behind her hands. I chuckled before putting on my seatbelt. She did the same as everyone else came out of the house. Lots of "im sorry bree's" traveled through the link. I told them it was alright just dont do it again before they hopped on their bikes and pulled off. Me, Tiny, the E Triplets, and the H triplets were in cars while everyone else was on the bikes. Tiny had her mate with her while everyone else rode together. "Where to boss?" T asked through the open mind link so everyone could here us. "One of the other safe houses" I replied "Preference?"  She asked "Nope" I said "Bet catch you later Boss" With that they sped off without me. I cut off the link before looking at my mate. "Hungry?" I sent to her. She nodded shyly. I just chuckled. What happened to that girl who was choking me earlier. Not so big and bad now are we. She kissed my cheek softly leaving her lips there for a few seconds before pulling away. "What was that for?" I sent to her. She just shook her head. I raised my eyebrow only for her to sent me a big smile. Maybe this mate thing isn't so bad after all.


I was going to publish again but then i deleted it and had to start over😒

But i did it so now we're good.


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