"Is that my hot pocket?"

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Rewritten 03/13/2020


I am currently in a meeting with my gang. My gang consist of women. Just women. I named my gang Queenpin because I loved the look of fear on peoples faces, I love the reaction they give when the hear the name El Diablo, but this gang was mostly created to give women all over the world a chance to prove that we can do a "mans" job. They think we are incapable of doing it but we proved them wrong the second Queenpin because the largest, and most fearful gang ever world wide.

Every woman in my gang was bound to learn sign language to become a member. I don't speak so when we communicate we sign or they can talk to me and I just sign to them to respond. They call me either mom, momma, or B, because some of them see me as a second mother, or the mother they never had. Tiny is the Vice president of Queenpin because she stuck with me through thick and thin. I trust her with my life. If it wasn't for Tiny I wouldn't be here today. You all know that I am a mute but don't let me being quiet change your opinion on how dangerous I can be.

Like I said earlier we are currently in a meeting because someone has been stealing my shipments lately and when I find out who it is they better pray because I will have no mercy. Last night i came up with a plan to capture the thefts stealing my products, now we just have to put the plan into action. As I was about to dismiss the gang my phone started to ring. It was Kyla one of our undercover members. She pretends to live a regular life so she can always know what's going on regularly. I gave the phone to Tiny and she answer video call. "Hey T is mom with you?" She asked looking around skeptically. "Yeah, green?" Tiny asked. "Oh yeah, green just a lot of fucking mosquitos around me." I growled a little to warn her. She need to stop allat damn cussing. I don't know who tf she get it from. "Sorry mom, but I have news" "What's happening?" "Word around the White House is that the president is trying to get in touch with us" I scrunched my face up. "Why" I signed. "I don't know. The guards aren't allowed that kind of info." "Okay, thanks Ky call us tonight yeah?" "Yeah, I love you guys. Green" she smiled. "Green" everyone said back and she hung up.

I looked at Tiny and she looked at me. "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" I smirked. "We leave tonight at 8." I signed and everyone started cheering. I shook my head walking out of office.

*6 hours later*




We were currently outside the White House about to break in. We shot the guards with those darts people use to tame animals so they should be out for a while. I walked up the side of the building with Tiny and Ella behind me. I had my snack bag on my back so it was slowing me down but did I care? No. Never leave the house without snacks. I got to a window that had a lot of bars on it. Due to my calculations this should be the presidents office. I bent down and grabbed the laser out of Tiny's hands and started to cut the bars. For a president he should need more security on his windows. Just saying. I took the bar off and handed it to Tiny. She gave it to Ella and Ella dropped it to Lily. I slid open the window and climbed in quietly. The lights were still on so I'm guessing he's going to be back soon. I helped Tiny in the window and she helped Ella. I walked to his desk and sat in his spinning chair. Bro. There was 3 hot pocket on the desk. I touched them and burnt the shit out of myself but that's good cuz it mean he just made em. Should I share? Or should I keep them to my self?

I mean I have a backpack full of snacks, but at the same time this ain't a snack it's different. Tiny looked at me and smiled noticing the hot pockets. I mugged her when she tried to grab one. My hot pockets. I opened it and took a small bite no wanting to burn myself. She pouted and her lip started quivering. I pouted to because now she not gone leave me alone. I threw the hot pocket at her face and she scream. She a dumb bitch. I face palmed myself and continued eating my hot pocket. I pointed towards the light and Ella went to turn it off and stood behind the door. Tiny grabbed her hot pocket and hid behind the couch. I pulled 3 Rice Krispies out my back pack and threw one to them then turned his desk lamp off.

*5 minutes later*

The door started to open so I sat up straight and crossed my arms. "I could've sworn I had this light on" he mumbled to himself closing the door back not noticing Ella. Black people tings. He turned on the light and the first thing he saw was me eating his hot pocket. "EEEEEEEEEEK- wait, is that my hot pocket?" I nodded and took another bite. "STOP BITING MY HOT POCKET!" I stared at him.

Then I took another bite. "Ughhhhhhh" he crossed his arms. "Who even are you and how did you get in?" He said with his mad sad ass. "You been checking for us and don't even know what we look like? Sad." Tiny came from behind the coach eating his third hot pocket. He jumped but then got mad again. "STOP EATING IT!" She shrugged and sat on the coach. It was the pepperoni hot pocket to. It was good as life. He went to storm out the room and saw Ella leaning on the door eating a rice krispy and he jumped. "This that shit" he mumbled to himself. "Why were you looking for us?" Tiny asked walking towards me. "I don't even know you people!" "No?" Ella questioned. A sequence of knocks were placed on the door and and Ella opened it keeping her eyes on the president. She walked towards me bumping his shoulder and the rest of the gang walked into the room filling it up. "Still don't know who we are?" Tiny questioned. I opened the other hot pocket and bit it.

"Queen pin?"

"Ding ding ding! We have a winner!"

"Why are you guys here?"

"You were looking for us no?" He looked confused for a second before his face lit up. "YES! Right! I need a favor from you." He said looking at Tiny. She raised her eyebrow. "Why you looking at me? I'm not the one you should be asking." He looked confused for a second then his eyes trailed to me. I looked back at him with a straight face. "You're the leader?" I shoved the rest of his hot pocket in my mouth before opening my rice krispy. He looked back at Tiny and she glared at him making him jump. "Right um, I wanted to ask if you could protect my daughter for me." I paused mid night into my rice krispy. I looked at Tiny and she looked at me. We looked at the triplets and they looked at us. We all looked back at him.

Everybody burst out to laughing. This man is hilarious. We stopped laughing and straight faced him at the same time. He backed up scarily but Jess pushes him back forward and he fell on his knees. "Thanks but no thanks" we all got up ready to leave. This was a waste of time. "Please! Please please please please pleaseeeeeeee!" I cringed. He gone make me shoot him. Tiny sighed. "What's in it for us?" I side eyed her. "I'll give you money anything please" we burst out to laughing again. Ha! He thinks we need his money. We got enough money to give to our children so they can give to their children and they can give to their children and- well you get the point. We straight faced him again. "We don't need your money" she stayed as we walked away. "No! Wait please! I'll do anything please!" Tiny looked at me and I looked at her and rolled my eyes. "Fine but whenever we need you you're there! Whether it's trouble with the law or anything you're there?" "Yes! I promise! Please!" Tiny looked at me and I nodded sighing. "Okay fine just get off the fucking floor" he got up and started hugging everybody. He went to hug me and Tiny and we pulled out our guns on him. "Okay okay sorry. I'm just excited" I rolled my eyes. "I'm taking the rest of his hot pockets" I signed to Tiny. "She's taking the rest of your hot pockets also" "Wait wha-" "Bye" We walked out and I headed towards the kitchen to take his hot pockets. I hate it here. I'm ready to go to sleep.



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