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Requested by @Silvershadow989

Keith's p.o.v

I was sitting in kitchen when allura called for the paladins. I immediately get up and run to the control room, she shouts for us to get into our armors. We go get our armor on and go back to the control room. We go to our elevators to our lions. I get in mine, it goes down and it stops. "Uh guys" I say my voice alittle shaky, "KEITH WHERE ARE YOU" everyone yells. I open my mouth to respond as the lights shut off making it extremely loud. "I'm trapped in my elevator" I say only to be met with static and fuzzy voices asking questions. I take my helmet of and start banging on the walls, "guys? GUYS?!?" I shout only to receive more static.

"ALLURA" I yell hitting the door,"CORAN" I attempt to yell but my throught tightens. I feel like I can't breath, I feel around to find another exit. As I feel around it was then I realized how small this elevator was. "HELP, ALLURA, CORAN, ANYONE" I start to tear up. I hear a loud snap as the elevator then plummets to the ground. I scream not because I'm falling but because the elevator seems to get smaller and smaller. I put my helmet back on just before I hit the ground, when I hit the floor I land on my bayard which stabs me. I cough up blood still focusing on the fact it's dark, I'm alone, trapped in the smallest area in the castle, I've been stabbed by my own bayard, and that I could very well be dying.
I start to feel nauseous as it feels like my heart is beating out of my chest, in the bad way. "Can't breath" I whisper as I become a coughing fit. The walls start to close in to where I have barely any space to move inch by inch.

It's been what feels like an hour when the castle jolts forward, or what I assume was forward. "KEITH KEITH CAN YOU HEAR ME" I hear shiro yelling. I try to speak but can only make stuttered words, forgetting how to speak.
The walls then squish me to where I'm pressed up between the walls like I'm the middle of a sandwich. "아, 씨발" I say to myself. The more I think it hits my elevator shouldn't be able to squish into an elevator sandwich. something weird is going on is this some fucking joke did the castle turn on me this time. "SHIRO HELP ME PLEASE" I desprateley yell hoping to get out of this hell hole. "Keith tell us what is happening" I hear shiro ask through the intercom. I start to tear up more tears streaming down my face "help me the walls are trying to kill me" as I say that the walls sqeeuze in more but this time shoving my bayard deeper into me. COUGH I erupt into a loud cough followed with the copper taste of blood spilling out of my mouth. "shiro....help" I start to panic more to where i'm losing oxygen. "keith hold on we're coming" I hear someone say, the walls quickly release back to their original shape. I realize the amount of blood I've lost as it forms a large pool on the floor, I soon pass out due to blood loss.
(아, 씨발 = Ah, shit or Ah, Fuck)

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