Just Us

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I woke up the next morning. Blake was already up and just chillin next to. "Good morning babe." He said grinning at me. "Good morning my love" I said. "Want some breakfast?" He asked me."sure! I can make some if u want." I said to him about to get up. "That's... If you can't still walk! Hahaha" he said laughing at me then giving me a wink. "Haha very funny Blake..." I said sarcastically. After we had our breakfast I spent the day at Blake's. We just chilled the whole day...

3 months later.

"Babe... I want you to move in with me." Blake said to me nervously. "Blake. I would love to. But are you ready for that commitment? I mean u have a kid and ur busy with games and stuff." I replied. He picked me up, put me in his lap, looked into my eyes and said "April. I'm ready. I see my son once in a while and other than that it's fine. I want you to live here with me." "Ok Blake! So when do I start moving?" I said excitedly. "Well... Um.... I kinda already send a moving truck to your house... So you gotta be ready by tonight...." He said to me. "BLAKE ARE YOU CRAZY?! OMG!!!! I have to call Jordan. You call DJ. We are all going to pack up my boxes!!!" I said yelling. Blake called DJ and I called Jordan. They both agreed to come help. We all got to my house around the same time. "Blake and DJ you guys get the boxes and me and Jordan will pack." I said to them. When me and Jordan were alone we talked. "So, how have you and Deandre been?" I asked. "We've been great, I been sleeping at his place-" I cut her off... "You've been sleeping or doing something else?! Hahah" I said laughing. I could see her blushing "ummm a little of both" she nervously replied. "YOURE the one moving in with Blake!" She said putting the spotlight on me. After we finished packing we all went out for dinner. We all got to the restaurant and sat and ordered our food. Deandre started the convo. "So are you guys coming to our home opener tomorrow?" "Of course!!!" We both said excitedly. "If you win, u get a little something special." Jordan said with a wink to deandre. "JORDAN! Not in front of us! Haha" I said. "Now we know why DJ tries so hard to win all of a sudden! But hey, that's none of my business haha" Blake said laughing and shrugging his shoulders. We all went home. Me and Blake decided not to unpack and went straight to bed.

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