I do.

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I finally got to the wedding venue after the salon. It was gorgeous. All fall colors like we'd asked. I couldn't believe that I was finally gonna marry Blake Austin Griffin. But I had no time to stare and think, I had to get ready. I walked into my room and slid on my gorgeous dress. It was a fit and flare, all Rhine stones everywhere. Jordan came in and zipped it up for me. "Oh my griffin you look gorgeous! I can't believe it!" She said. "Thank you Jordan. Love u! And i can't believe it either! Can u help me put on my shoes I can't bend down! Haha" I asked. I wasn't gonna be an ordinary bride. So me and Blake got matching customized Jordan's. They were white and black. We had our names stitched on there. I loved it. Jordan put them on for me and laced them up. "We'll it's time to go April! See u after ur mrs griffin!" Jordan said giving me a hug and leaving the room. I took one last look in the mirror and left the room. I took a few pictures with the photographer before my father came to walk me down the aisle. I was ready. I heard the classic "here comes the bride" play. My dad grabbed my arm and he walked me down. I'm usually not an emotional person but I cried looking at Blake. I finally got to the end, my dad kissed my forehead "I love you, you'll always be my little princess." "I love you too dad." I replied. "You take care of my little girl Blake." My dad said to Blake. "You know I will Mr. Hanson." And then it was time. "We are gathered here to join..." Blah blah blah, I zoned out looking into Blake's eyes. But then I got in when it was time to read our vows. I went first. We wrote our own. "Blake. The day I met you was the best day of my life. I can't imagine a day without you anymore. And if somehow someway I couldn't be with you, I'd spent the rest of my life trying. Because I love you more than life itself. I thank god everyday for that opportunity I got to meet you. Because I always thought Id be just a fan to you. But look at me now. I'm getting married to the Blake Austin Griffin. I want you to know that I will always be here for u no matter what happens. This is the begging of our life's together. If you wanna do anything crazy, we'll do it together! No matter what it is. I'm there for you. Blake I love you. Don't you ever forget that." I was crying and so was everyone else. Even Blake. Now it was Blake's turn. "April. Im so glad you came to that signing and decided to meet me even tho odds weren't in ur favor. When I first saw u I was speechless. You were beautiful, funny, clumsy, and confident. I didn't believe in miracles until I met you. Because it was a miracle that you came and decided to meet me. And throughout our relationship you put up with my BS. I can't thank you enough. Your my good luck charm, even if the team loses, I'm still winning because you're gonna be my wife. And I wouldn't have it any other way. I love you. I love you. I love you. And I will never stop loving you no matter what happens. You are life. No wait ball is life. Haha babe I'm just kidding. April you are my life. You're the love of my life. Love you April." Blake said through tears. Man I was crying a lot. And so was everyone else. Even DJ and Jordan! I saw them from the corner of my eye!! "Blake do you take this beautiful woman you be your wife?" "I do!" Blake said sentimentally staring into my eyes. "April, do you take this man to be ur husband?" "I do... I do. I-"

I felt someone jump on me. "APRIL!!!!!!! Wake up! April!!!" I looked around. wait a second. I wasn't getting married. Hell I wasn't even in Blake's house. I was in me and Jordan's house. "April! Wake up! Uve been asleep since 8 last night! And now were gonna be late for the Blake Griffin signing!" Jordan screamed. "WAIT?! WHAT?! I was dreaming that whole time?'! I haven't even met Blake yet?!" I was practically crying. "Yes April!!! That was all a dream now let's go!!!" She said. I got out of the bed and got dressed still upset and confused. I told Jordan the whole dream as I got dressed. I decided to wear what I wore in my dream, a clippers thick sleeve tanktop, red high waisted jeans, red lipstick and I curled my hair. "That's crazy April! Let's go!" She said as we got into the car. "Let's make this dream a reality!" I said as we pulled up to nike town. It was packed people everywhere.

We waited in line for a good 2 hours then it was my turn. I went up there and fell practically on him. Like in the dream. "Omg I though to myself." I looked up and saw Blake laughing so hard!!! "Hi I'm April and I'm literally falling head over heels for you." I said nervously. "Haha hi April. Don't worry u still looked cute!" He said. My heart melted. "Thank youuuu you're even cuter! We'll I wanna get right to the point... Do u wanna go out for dinner or something?" "Actually.... Yah. I would like that!" Blake replied. "Oh my griffin!!!" I almost screamed. "Write down ur number gorgeous." He said as I wrote down my number. "Thank you so much!" I said hanging him the paper. "I'll see you tonight! Don't bail on me!!!" He said as we walked away. "I won't!!!!" And right as I said that i ran into a rack. "You're so clumsy!!!!" Blake said laughing hard. And at that exact moment... I knew I would NEVER be... Just a fan.

THE END!!!! (Read the next thing for an authors note and info on my next story!)

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