Fast forward.

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Fast forwarding to the wedding day. Jordan and DJ already got married and are living happily (just so u know)

"Good morning sweetie! I can't believe in a couple hours you'll be my wifey!" Blake woke me up, he sounded so excited. Like a kid in a candy store. "Good morning love! I can't believe It either!" I replied. We both just sat there thinking bout life for a couple min. "Blake I know I keep saying this, but I feel like this has all been a dream to me..." I said laying in Blake's lap. "I know. Maybe it's just because u loves so much? And I love u even more April. Always remember that." He said kissing my forehead. "Well we have no time to spare! Imma go hop in the shower!" And with that I was in the shower.

After my shower I put on sweats. Kissed Blake goodbye... After all it would be the last time I kiss him before he's my husband.... And left to the salon.

"Look who we have here!!!! It's the soon to be mrs griffin!" The lady at the salon told me. "Yup! I'm ready for my appointment!" "Ok sweetie so u wanted that down do right?" "Yes ma'am" I said. She began to blow dry my hair as I read magazines. My phone screen lit up with 2 texts from Blake. "I love you baby." And "u good at the salon?" I replied quickly, reassuring him I was fine and I loved him more. By the time I realized she was done with my hair. It looked gorgeous. It was curled with a small poof and my bangs swept to the side. Next for my makeup. "Yah I want red lipstick and a nice smoky eye please! Something spectacular." "Will do!" The makeup artist said as I sat on the chair and she began pulling out brushes. "So how are DJ and Jordan doing?" She asked doing my makeup. "Two adorable peas in a pod. They're inseparable. They love each other so much. Very happy together." I said extremely truthfully.

"And ur done!" The makeup artist said. I look in the mirror. I looked beautiful. All I could say was "WOW!"

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