-Chapter 11

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Katniss POV

"So that's why you didnt want to marry us, because you wanted England all to yourself. You already have France Katniss why do yoi have to be such a greddy bitch?"

"Annie?" I can't see the persons face but I recognize her voice.

"Yes, it's me" Annie comes into the light, she has slight red eyes.

"Annie why are you crying?" I approach her, I sit down and motion for her to sit next to me, she does.

"You want England, that's why you won't marry Finnick and I, you know that the first ome to get married gets the throne and you want that to be you and Peeta" Annie stares angerly at me.

"Annie I need you to start from the beginning? Who told you this?" I ask her confused.

"Finnick heard you talking about it in your office about 20 minites ago with Haymich" Annie says.

"Oh that" I stay quite wanting for her to calm dow.

"Oh that, that's all you can say in
your defense. I'm tired Katniss, everyone always puts me and the girls under you. Why can't you allow something good to happen to me once? Why can't you just marry us without having to get political?" Annie burries her face in her hands.

"I am sorry Annie, but if there is one thing I won't allow you to say about me is that I consider myself to be above anyone because that is not true. I know damn well that without many people I won't be in my posision and I have never once thought of myself as superior to you or anyone else" I am shocked that she would think about me that way, especially because she knows me better than most people.

"And about the conversation, yes it happened but you have to remember it's Haymich job to advise me politically and that's exactly what he did, however I don't care about becoming the queen of England" I say, Annie looks at me

"You don't?" She asked shocked.

"Like you said I have France and I don't need another country, however I will admit that I have been trying to delay your wedding as much as possible but not because of politics" I admit, again anger is seen on Annie's face.

"Katniss! How could you?" She screams.

"As soon as you told me you and Finnick were getting married, I immediately send a message to your parents in India but as you can imagine it would take very long. So I kept on delaying your wedding because I was waiting on a response from them. I know how important it is for you to have your parents present" I say feeling slightly ashamed I didn't tell her.

"Oh Katniss. That's the sweetest thing" Annie embraces me.

"I am sorry. I wanted it to be one of your wedding presents" I hug her back.

"It's okay I'm sorry to. I over reacted and came her making accusations when I should have asked you" She says.

"I forgive you and also if you still want to get married soon, we can do it tomorrow" I say letting go of her.

"You know, I decided that I don't need people validating or judging my marriage. I don't need my parents or anyone from this court, all I need is Finnick and the girls" She smiles.

"Well it's a beautiful night, let's have a wedding" I have an idea and a way I could make it up to her.

"Really?" She asks with a laugh.

"Yeah I know a place" I say, she nods. "Alright than give me a minute I'll go wake up the girls and the guys and tell them to meet us somewhere. I'll be right back"

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