-Chapter 45

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I slowly pused the door open as I tried to sneak out of my room. The sun was about to rise and Gale and I agreed to go hunting earlier today.

Plus I was still made at Philip and needed to get away for a longer time.

Yesterday we did sleep on the same bed, I got back really late because Gale and I went out and had fun. Gale got drunk, I didn't cause alcohol makes me sick right now but I didn't need a drink to have a good time. When I came to bed Philip was already sound asleep, he did feel me sneaking into bed because he placed a had on my belly like he does all the time.

"Puedo saber a donde vas?" I heared a voice said, I turned around and Philip was standing there in his robe. (May I know where you are going?)

"Pues claro, voy a ir a cazar con Gale" I had nothing to fear. (Of course, I'm going hunting with Gale)

"Pero Katniss el sol todavia ni sale" He rolled his eyes. (But Katniss the sun isn't even out)

"Que mas da" I shrugged. (Who cares?)

"Prometeme que vas a tener cuidado, no nomas por ti pero por nuestro bebe" He walked up to me. (Promise me you'll be careful, not just for yourself but for our baby)

"Sabes que yo nunca haira algo que nos dañara" I said softly. (You know I would never do anything that puts us in danger)

"Tambien promete que cuando vuelvas vamos a hablar, tengo muchas cosas que decirte, y muchas cosas que me persones" He wrapped his arms around me, I didn't neglect his touch. (Promise me that when you come back we will talk, I have alot to say and you have a lot to forgive)

"Lo bueno para ti es quee yo se dejar el trabajo en el trabajo" I smiled at him. (Luckily for you I know that I should leave work at work)

"Te amo" He pressed his forehead against mine as he held both sides of my head. (I love you)

"Je t'aime" I kissed his lips softly. (I love you)

"Stay safe my queen" He kissed my hand before letting me go.

I waved goodbye and ran to the stables.

Gale of was already there on his horse I quickly got on mine and we rode of to a forest near his palace.

After shooting targets for run we sat down before we continued and actually hunt for animals.

"Catnip, how did you know he was the one?" Gale asked me.

"Be more specific, Peeta or Philip?" I laughed.

"Both" He said to me.

"Well for Peeta, I had entered his art room, he had dozens of paintings. I remeber looking at one specifically it was 2 people dancing in a field of primroses and dandelions. As I looked at it closer I realized that it was me and Peeta dancing on the field. I don't know why but it made me so happy, out of the no where Peeta showed up and wrapped his hands around me before he invited me to dance. As we danced in that room without music I remeber thinking how much I loved him. When I left the room I knew I was going to marry that man" I was smiling so big. Louis is the only person apart from Peeta and I to know of that night. He absolutely loves that story, maybe one day I will show him the painting.

"That's beautiful" Gale smiled, "What about Philip?"

"Philip was more of a gradual process. He always made me feel so secure. He spent so much time with me that I absolutely hated when we were apart. That turned into him being a piece of my life that alwats had to be there, he just became a need" I told him.

"Come one there has to be moment when you said this is the man for me!" Gale threw a rock at my boot.

I began to think about it, I was clueless for a little before I remembered.

"I don't think you know this but Louis actually started to call Philip papi before we even got married" I told him what only Philip and I knew. Gale gasped.

"Philip had to go to Spain for 3 weeks because of a festival. Those three weeks were horrible, I couldn't sleep, I hated everything, things just weren't cute. That night Philip came back and he sat Louis into bed and Louis said 'Goodnight papi' my heart melted. Later that night I was able to sleep well and when I woke up and saw Louis cuddling Philip I knew that's what I wanted for the rest of my life" I recalled that event.

"Do you still have feeling for Peeta?" Gale asked me.

"I don't know. Maybe, deep down there is probably something but it hasn't emerged. But if that's true they are probably VERY VERY SMALL" I realized I had said to much.

"What about Philip? Were your feeling for him affected when Peeta came back?" Gale kept questioning me.

"No, I never doubted my feeling for him. I love him" Deep down I knew I was lying. I did question my feelings during those 2 hours I spent in the tree upon finding out he was alive. But there was no way in hell I would reveal that to anyone.

"What is something where to happen to Philip? Would you remarry Peeta?" Gale just wanted all the details and for once I was sure of the answer.

"Absolutely no" I shook my head, "I don't pick up the same rock twice"

Gale gasped.

"Peeta and I had something beautiful, but I have something beautiful with Philip and if that were to go away then I'm better well on my own" I spoke my feeling. "If I were to get back with Peeta I would leave in constant fear he would go away again, I don't get that feeling with Philip"

"It sounds like you married Philip for security and comfort" Gale told me straight up.

I laughed.

"Security? Please the only security I have with him is that he loves me. Comfort you said? Why would I ever agree to be Queen to another country when I already got my own. It's stressful with one imagine two. Do you have any idea how many people I had to BEG to be able marry Philip? I hate begging and you know that. I married Philip for love"

"There is no need to be defensive I was just pointing it out" Gale raised his hands in defeat.

I was still irrationally angry.

"Yeah well you can fuck off" I stood up and walked to my horse.

"Hey Katniss if your so secure in your marriage then why is a little comment bothering you so much?" Gale yelled at me.

I was however still fuming, I did walk right up to him though.

"I worked so hard to be able to marry this man. When you work that hard for someone it seems impossible that someone could doubt it" I whispered to him.

He nodded.

"I apologize, but like everyone else I have my doubts. Peeta swears he us going to get you back and I wanted to see where you were at"

"It's okay, I know it's weird" My anger was passing.

"Do you forgive me?" He asked me.

"Yeah" I said.

"Wonderful, and we are just on time. My fiance is about to arrive, we should go get ready"

Gale and I got on our horses and headed back.

I tried to shake off Gale's comments but I couldn't. It was true, why was I so mad? Why was I so bothered?


gale out there doing the lords work

are we finally #teamgale ?


anways i love you

please vote and comment

love of my life you've hurt me

-e x.

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