-Chapter 29

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I took a deep breath and grab the rosary from my night stand

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I took a deep breath and grab the rosary from my night stand.

Today was the funeral, today I officially say goodbye to the love of my life.

I looked outside my window and everyone was outside already. Peeta's brothers, his parents, my parents, my ladies, the nobels, everyone was outside.

I finally gathered the courage and began to head down stairs. As I stood on the main exit, as one door separated me from everyone I wanted to run back upstairs and fall asleep hoping that when I woke up everything was fine, but it wasn't and that's not how life works.

The guards opened the door and I began to take small steps. I was greeted with a coffin which held the body of my beloved.

Everyone around me was looking at me.

I stood infront of the coffin. Peeta's brothers stood next to me.

They all went up to the coffin and laided down a rose.

I went up to the coffin and place on top of if the crown in which Peeta had been crowned the King of France.

I placed my hands on the coffin, and I planted my face in my arms taling another deep breath.

I planted a final kiss onto his coffin, my tears slowly fell onto the surface of the coffin.

"My Queen, you ride in the first carriage" A guard told me.

I as the queen was the only one who got to rid a carriage. Everyone else had to walk all the way to the cementary where he will be buried.

I got onto the carriage and we began moving.

Once we got to the cementary there was a mass in his honor.

The coffin was lowered by Peeta's brother's.

As they lowered it I clenched our wedding rings in an effort to stop me from sropping them. I had taken Peeta's wedding band, I took mines also and I put them into a chain that I will forever wear around my neck.

Once the cermeony was over, everyone said their final goodbyes but I stayed.

I remebered something I promised Peeta along time ago.

"I love wine" Peeta told me as he took a sip of his red wine.

"Yeah I can tell" I laughed.

"Seriously though if I die before you drink a glass of wine at my grave"

A guard approched me and handed me 2 glasses of red wine. He then left.

I took one of the glasses and I placed it on Peeta's grave. I then cheered and drank the other one. After I was done I placed my glass next to the other one upside down.

I stood up.

"Well looks like this is the end" I said looking at the grave. "I love you"

Those were my last words before I turned around and went home.

As the days went on I felt like my sadness decreased but I was still neglecting my Queen duties.

One day as I laied in bed Haymich walked in.

"Listen Katniss we need to talk" He said and I was still laying down.

"The nobels think you should get a regent" He said and I immediety sfood up. A regent is a person who takes care of a country while the king and queen are absent.

"They think you are in a bad state of mind, they think that if you come back now your emtions are going to get ths best of you and it would not be hood for France" My blood was boiling, "Also they think that you should aslo find a new husband because apprently you can't rule without one"

That one was the one that got me.

I stood up, "Gather them all, I'll be down in five minutes"

Haymich smiled and exited the room.

I got dressed and went down to give them a piece of my mind.

There was alot of noise coming from the throne room but as soon as I enetered I took a place on my throne and everyone got quite

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There was alot of noise coming from the throne room but as soon as I enetered I took a place on my throne and everyone got quite.

"I hear alot of you have concerns about my rule so now is the time to get them out. Tell me everything" my stern voice shocked them all. They all remaind quite.

"I have proven to you all that I am more than capable of ruling France on own. Before I married Peeta I ruled on my own and I brought France glory. I am a living prophecy, I from the very beginning have been destined to bring France its golden age. I don't need a husband to do that, I have shown that I am damn well capable of doing it myself" Everyone was still quite but I could see a smile on Haymich face.

"Many times I have shown that the well being of France has been more important than my own feeling. I have ruled France with nothing but it's well being in mind. France HAS always been my first priority" I said and I could see some people taken back.

"So to all of you thinking I should get a regent the answer is no, I am perfectly capable of ruling France. Infact I find it disrespectful that some of yall are doubting me, France is my number one priority just as it is yours. So please take a seat cause my reign won't stop for a really long time"

I finished my speech and everyone started clapping.



2 updates in 2 days who is she?

anyways its late and i am tired.

i love you,

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and we'll never be royals

-e x.

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