Chrissy's Story

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Authors Note: For everyone who’s reading Life Being Perfect and The Art Of Rebellion here’s Chrissy’s story. Chrissy’s a girl who’s going to be herself no matter if you like it or not. I’m lucky to have her with me in real life. Since this character and all the girls characters are based on my best friends. But I hope you guys like it. I work hard, i love writing. So comment, fan, vote, like, do whatever! Just enjoy the story :)




Alyssa ;)

The flirt, the likeable one, the ‘parent. Those are all things my friends call me. I’m Christina Meghan Scott. But everyone calls me Chrissy. I always thought Christina sounded snobby. But I couldn’t exactly choose my name. So since I was 3, I had started calling myself Chrissy. It was because I couldn’t pronounce my own name then, but now, I liked the way it sounded. Chrissy Meghan Scott. Yah, that sounded about right.

I smiled to myself as I looked around the room I was in. I had been coming to this room since I met the person who lived here. The same purple- Paris- wallpapered walls. The same beautiful white bed, gorgeous antique furniture and clothes everywhere.


I turned towards my best friend, Alyssa. "Yes Lyssi?"

"I don't know what to pack...I mean what does a girl take when she’s moving to London, England? I mean usually I’m totally on top of my outfits but I don’t know what to take and what to throw away. This is already my sixth suitcase! And I have no idea what to do…" She started trailing.

I sighed and faced Lyssi. For an eighteen year old, Alyssa sure is disorganized.

Alyssa and I are both eighteen, turning nineteen soon. Alyssa’s birthday is on October and mine is in September.

Alyssa and I are complete opposites. She’s messy. I’m clean.

She’s crazy…I’m sane.

Okay. Maybe I’m insane too. My point is, despite all our differences, Lyssi and I have always been best friends.

 "Chrissy, how the hell do you get your hair so perfect? My hair is getting all curly and I don’t know how to stop it." My other best friend, Sana asked, "My hair is a mess."

“Who said curly is bad?” Lyssi asked, frowning. She flipped her curly mane of hair and looked at Sana with her big hazel eyes. Lyssi was really beautiful, with pale skin contrasted by ruby red lips and a thin, model-like body. Alyssa is incredibly insecure though, and despite my best efforts, Lyssi was still really worried about how she looks.

I took a look at my semi short, dark brown-reddish, wavy hair. I have light brown eyes with big eye lashes. Alyssa always said that he wanted to cut my eye lashes off for being so long. It was a tad bit creepy but I was flattered that she was jealous enough to want to cut them off.

"Your hair is amazing. Don't complain." I said to Sana. Sana was a bit worrisome, but we all loved her. She was the rebel of our group.

Our group, you ask? Who is 'our group'?

Alyssa was adopted when she was about seven years old, and before that, she had some horrible things done to her. Lyssi is a romantic, and she’s incredibly charming when she wants to be. We all met Lyssi a year after we met each other. Though it doesn’t feel like I’ve known her less. I'm closest to her; probably because we were neighbours and our mothers were friends. That was how we met; her mother introduced us. We would all be in a conversation and Lyssi would say something deep and we’d all be confused on how to reply to her. I would sometimes turn it into a joke or answer her. I like my times with Alyssa alone because she could just tell what I was thinking without any sort of communications. She could voice words in my head that I couldn’t possibly say out loud.

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