Chapter 1

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'scuse me. Quick note. This story sucks and I've tried to edit it but it still sucks and super cringe worthy.

Plus, you're 5 years old in this story


"Wake up, little brats!" a woman downstairs yelled, you slowly opened your eyes and stared to the ceiling.

"Wake up, chump," (r/n), your rival plus enemy looking at you in a disgusting look.

"Are your eyes, okay?" you replied.

"...What do you mean?"

"Well, if your eyes are okay, you can see that I'm awake."

"Huh, whatever, fool."

"Yea, yea," you got up from your bed and took your (f/c) hoodie (the hoodie cannot be green, red, blue or purple, actually idc) and put it on.

You walked downstairs and started looking around, 'everyone look very... nice and neat. Today must be the adoption day' you walked to the corner of the room, sat and started to draw. "Hey fool, why are you not getting prepared? Today is the adoption day, you look so bad and gross."

You looked up and saw (r/n). "Oh, thanks for reminding me, do you really mean that?" you said sarcastically.

"I-I insult you!"

"Oh, okay, and if you ask me why I don't get prepared, maybe because I don't wanna look ugly like you, wearing an ugly dress and... are you putting some makeup to your face? 'cause if you do, you look uglier. Where did you get it anyway? "

"Don't call me ugly you fool!"

"Then don't call me fool, you ugly girl, now go away."

"Ugh, whatever." And with that she walked away.

You sighed and continued to draw. People started walking to the Orphanage, you looked at them. 'no one will adopt me', 4 men catch your interest because they were wearing hoodies but with different color. The one in red hoodie is fighting with the blue hoodie man, while the purple hoodie man are looking at a mirror, and the green hoodie man is looking around.

You stared at them curiously, thinking. 'Will they adopt me? ' you continued your drawing again until a voice makes you jumped a bit. "Hello there, what's your name?" you looked up and saw the green hoodie man from earlier. 

"Uh, my name is (y/n)." 

"Oh, hello there (y/n)! What are you drawing?" 

"I'm drawing a cat."

"Wow! I love cat and I love drawing!" 

"Really? I like cat too!" (sorry if you don't like cat 🙇) You laughed.

"(y/n), do you wanna go home with me? I mean... us." 

"Huh? Does that means you're gonna adopt me, sir? And who is 'us'?" 

"Sorry, for being rude, my name is Edd. And what I mean by us is 3 other men." 

"Are they wearing hoodie?" 

"Yup, red, blue and purple hoodie plus green overcoat. So what do you say?" 

"Of course, I'm gonna go home with you Mr. Edd!" 

He chuckled. "Just call me Edd, now I'm gonna handle the paper and signature thingy, wait here, okay?" 

"Okay, Edd!" you shouted excitedly.

He laughed, walked away and talked to the blue hoodie man and pointed at you. The blue hoodie man looked at you for a few seconds, then walked to you, he then immediately sat next to you. "You're (y/n)?" he asked. 

"Yeah. Nice to meet you, are you Edd's friend?" 

"Yep. The name's Tom." 

"Hello, Mr. Tom." You waved your hand, smiling.

"Call me Tom, just Tom." 

"Okay." You grinned. You and Tom started to talk until Edd came with the red hoodie man and the purple hoodie man. The red hoodie man is bringing a suitcase. "You're done, Edd?" Tom asked. 

"Yup, let's go to your new home, (y/n)!" Edd said, picking you up.

"Wait, how about my stuff?" you asked Edd, flinching a bit when he suddenly picked you up.

"S-sorry, about your stuff, Tord got it, Tord is the one who's wearing a red hoodie and have hair just like, you know, horns." Edd smiled and pointed at Tord, you waved to Tord, and he waved back, with a small smile on his face.


Vote if you enjoy! 🙏

Sorry if the story is bad and there's a wrong word or grammar, this is my first story, and if the story is too short, I'm really, really sorry! ◉_◉
Hope you like it! ~(˘▾˘~)

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