Chapter 6

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"Finally! We arrived!" you shouted, jumping out of the car.  "Wait, this isn't the park, why are we in the forest?" You turned to look at Edd, waiting for an explanation, but he didn't seem to notice.

"Did I say we're gonna camp at the park?" Tord asked, looking up. "Oh, I did," he answered himself, turning to you. 

"About that, we thought camping at the park won't be fun, even if it's night the park's gonna be crowded," Edd joined in, ruffling your hair. "Now, help me bring the stuff from the car," Edd said again as he walked to the car.

"Why is there a sniper rifle in the car?!" Tom shouted.

"Oh, yeah, I want to... you know, hunt in this forest," Tord weirdly murmured, walking to Tom. "Now give that to me, your filthy hand cannot touch this wonderful sniper rifle." He snatched the sniper from Tom's hand. 

"Seriously? You brouht a sniper for a camping with a little kid?" 

"Yes. Like, why not, though." Tord shrugged as he walked away from Tom. 

"...Stupid red hoodie communist," Tom mumbled under his breath and took the bag with tent inside from the trunk. "Edd! This is your tent right?" Tom asked carrying a green bag. 

"Oh, yeah," Edd answered, walking towards Tom, he took the tent from Tom and walked back to Tord and you.

"Wait Edd, are you making the tent with Matt?" Tord suddenly asked, looking up from his sniper. 

"Yea, why?" 

"Let me guess, I had to make the tent with that no eyes bastard." 

"You mean Tom. And yes, of course! You two are gonna sleep in one tent with (y/n) after all. Anyway, MATT! LET'S BUILD THE TENT!" Edd shouted, changing the subject.

Tord let out a frustrated sigh. 

"What happened, Tord?" you asked Tord. 

"Nothing." He shook his head. "Let's just make the tent," he said walking to Tom. "Oi, Thomas! Where is the tent? I want to build it." 

"Here, catch!" Tom shouted, throwing the bag of tent. 

"Whoa! Geez, don't throw it." 

~A few minutes later

"What the hell do you think you're doing?!" Tom yelled. 

"I'm making the tent! Don't you see it?!" Tord yelled back.

You sighed, walking to Tom and Tord, and saw Tord making some kind of horns on the tent 'they're fighting again?' you thought as you walked back to Edd.

"Why do you even do- what the hell is that?!" Tom shouted.

"Just, shut the hell up!" Tord shouted back.

"You can't built the tent like that!"

"And why not?" Tord asked, a hint of underestimate in his voice.

"'Cause the tent's gonna fall down you stupid, you have to read the guide book first."

"Screw that. I'll make it my own style."

"Ugh, look, the thing is you can't make it like that!"

"I can!"

"You know damn well you can't."

"I can."

"You can't!"

"I can."

"You can't."

"I can't?"

"You... can't...? Wait, you can't? Oh yeah, you can't."

Tord sighed. "Okay, give me the guide book." Tom then threw the guide book to Tord and walked back to the car. "Hmm, so it's like this? Or like this?" Tord mumbled.

"Hey, need help?" suddenly a voice asked.

Tord's P.O.V

I look at the guide book that Jehovah's Witness gave me, but I don't understand  a bit, I never read a guide book before. Nor made a fucking tent. Usually the soldiers made it for me, I mumble to myself until I heard a voice.

I looked up and saw (y/n) with a soft smile. "Hey, need help?" 

"Uh... do you understand this, (y/n)? 'cause I don't." 

"Here, lemme help you." 

Dang, isn't (y/n) great. But they were just 5. How can I be such unintelligent in making a tent? But I just shrugged it off . "I'm gonna help Jehovah's Witness with the stuff, it's getting dark, you can make it yourself right? If something happens just call us," I said to (y/n), the little kid just nod.

What a concentrate little child.

I walked to Jehovah's Witness and saw him talking to (y/n) as he carried 2 bags, wait... (y/n)?  "(y/n)? Is that you? You're done making the tent?" I asked.

They looked at me, confused, that goddamn Thomas even furrowed his brows. "What tent? I was with Edd all the time."

"Wh-what?" I asked. "Don't mess with me, I'm serious." 

"I was with Edd! You can ask him." 

I could feel my face got pale and my heartbeat beat faster. "S-so, who is... who is that kid I was talking to?" I murmured to myself.

3rd person P.O.V

"Oi, Commie, are you okay?" Tom asked Tord as he saw Tord's face turning pale. 

"S-so, who is... who is that girl I was talking to?" Tord mumbled. 

"Huh? Hey, what happened?" Tom asked slapping Tord's cheeks multiple times. Tom shook Tord's shoulder but he gave no respond. "Son of a- Answer me!" Tom shouted but Tord was just murmuring things to himself. "Uh, it's useless, let's just go to the tent," Tom finally said.

You nodded your head and grabbed Tord's hand. "Whoa!" you shouted out of surprise.

"What?! What is it?!" Tom asked, surprised. 

"Tord's hand, it's so cold." You pointed at his hand.

"Please, please don't make me touch his hand." Tom closed his eyes, taking a deep breath.

"But, it's so cold!" 

Tom used his pointer finger and poked Tord's hand. "Holy crap! It is!" 

Tord finally snapped back from his thought and looked at Tom. "Huh? What?" he asked 

"Your hand! It's so cold!" Tom said 

"Uh. Yeah, yeah, sure. Can we move the tent to near Edd's? Please..." Tord pleaded. 

"I'd love to, Commie, but it's already dark," Tom answered, pointing at the sky.

Tord growled. "Ugh, seriously, I'm going to get killed tonight..." Tord mumbled under his breath. 

"Huh? What is it?" 


"Well, then, let's go." You took Tord's and Tom's hand.  

~Few moments later

"There it is!" you shouted pointing at a big tree near your tent. 

"That means the tent is right over there, behind the big tree," Tom said. You walked faster to see the tent but the condition of the tent is not like you expected.

By the way.. if you like it please consider giving this story a vote 🙏 

I will really appreciate that, thank you!

~Chelsea out! 👋

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