Chapter 4

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Tom taught you how to play a bass for about several minutes when he suddenly stopped. "I think someone's watching us," he whispered.

"Really? Who?" you whispered back, Tom picked you and put you next to him, he stood and walked to the door. When he was in front of the door, he thought 'the door's not closed' , he opened the door wide and saw Edd and Tord.

"Edd?! Commie?! What the hell are you doing here?" Tom shout. 

Edd jumped, surprised. "Uhhh, I just- hehe, you know..." Edd said, looking away.

"No, I don't know," Tom shoot back. 

"We're record- I'm sorry, I mean, I'm recording you with (y/n) while you two are playing your bass with this," Tord said showing a handycam. 

"Really? With that?" Tom asked, a bored expression plastered on his face. 

"Yep, when Edd suddenly comes and decided to join," Tord continued.

"Wow, thanks for being honest to me," Tom replied sarcastically.

"Huh, I have your video right here, though." He ran to his room. 

"Okay, give me that!" Tom yelled, following him to Tord's room.


"Wait, Commie! That's mine." Tom stopped on his tracks. 

"What?" Tord raised his eyebrows. "Since when do you have a handycam?" 

"Since you're not home." 

"When? Edd is he saying the truth?" Tord turned to Edd.

"Um, yeah, basically, but that's not his, it's ours. We made a space cat film with that," Edd explained. "You miss a lot, Tord." 

"What?" Tord asked again, sound so surprised. "But, you don't have any money, you're broke. Did you rob a bank for this?" 

Edd narrowed his eyes, then shook his head. "No, but it does take all of our saving," he paused. "So you better not broke it!" 

"Oh, ok. Well, now I got this, and I won't give this to you, punk!" Tord shouted, closing the door and locked it.

Tom sighed. "Whatever, Commie, I don't even care!" Tom shouted back.

You walked to Edd after listening to all the bickers. "Mommy Eddie, you made a film?" 

"Oh, yeah." He looked down. "It was a long time ago, though. Why?"

"Can I see it?" 

"Of course you can! Let's watch it tonight!" he exclaimed excitedly. 

"That means tonight is the movie night, I'll buy some chips," Tom spoke up, walking away from Tord's room. "Wanna come along,(y/n)?" he continued. 

"Yeah!" you shouted and ran to Tom. 

"Wait, Tom, if something happens to (y/n), you know what will happen to you." Edd glared at Tom. 

"Um. O-okay." 

"Bye bye." You waved at Edd. "Mattie, Tord! Wanna come with us to the store?" 

"Wait, I'm coming," Tord said unlocking his room.

15 minutes later

"Commie! What take you so long?!" 

"Wait, just a minute." 

"Yea, more like fifteen minutes!"

"Shut the hell up!"

You heard Tord walk downstairs. 

"Finally, you're so slow." Tom sighed, placing his hand on his forehead. 

"Whatever." Tord rolled his eyes. 

"Tord, because you're so slow I'm gonna call you Tordle!" You grinned, Tom picked you up and walked to the car, followed by Tord behind so he could look at your face. 

"What? I'm your dad, (y/n)." 

"Tordle!" you shouted again. Tom chuckled as he placed you on the passenger seat and sat at the driver seat. 

"Okay, shut up you two I'm gonna drive"

~at the store with Tommy and Tordle

"Anything you want, (y/n)?" Tom asked you, holding your hand. 

"Can I get (f/f, fave food)?" 

"Yea, sure. Lemme take this potato chips first." He extended his hand to took the chips. 

You looked around, looking for Tord. "Where's Tordle?" you asked. 

"Maybe he went o the book store to buy hentai, I burn his with a friend few days ago," he exclaimed proudly. 

"What's hentai?" 

"Well, it's... something super gross and I will never ever let you see such thing." 


"Because it's gross." 

You hummed as you nodded your head. "Oh, okay."

"You two done?" Tord suddenly asked, walking to Tom and you, he was holding a magazine. 

"What's that?" you asked, pointing at the magazine.

"It's better if you don't know, (y/n)," Tom said closing your eyes with his hand. "Now, let's go home, Commie, take this to the cashier." 

"Huh? Okay," Tord replied, taking the potato chips, (f/f), and other meals.

~timeskip to movie night

You sat in between Edd and Tom on the couch while Tord and Matt sat on the carpet. "Where's the (f/f)?" you asked Tom. 

"Right, wait." Tom stood, walking to the kitchen. 

"Don't forget the cola!" Edd shouted. 

"The chips too!" Tord yelled. 

"And the popcorns!" Matt added. 

"Why don't you shut the hell up and help me?" he shouted back, triggered. Matt chuckled as he stood and rushed to the kitchen to help Tom. As they both walked back in, Edd started the movie and you, eventually, fall asleep in the middle of the movie.

HotChocolate671 note:
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