Chapter 2

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Edd walked to the car, still holding you, Edd sat on the driver seat as Tom sat on the Passenger seat, while Tord and The purple hoodie man sitting in the back. Edd gave you to Tom and started to drive, now you were sitting on Tom's lap. "Hey, Tom?" 


"Who's that guy wearing a purple hoodie?" 

"Oh, that's a person who admire himself more than anything," he responded. 

"He's Matt," Edd answered. 

"Hello, Matt!" You turned to him and waved your hand, smiling. 

"Oh, hi! Your name is (y/n) right? I'm Matt!" he said excitedly. 

"Yes, I'm (y/n), and I already know your name, Matt," you laughed.

Sunshine, lollipops and rainbows, everything that's wonderful is what I feel when we're together.

"What the hell?! Tom, skip this song!" Tord growled.

"No way, Commie." 

"Guys, there's a child here." Edd glared at Tom and Tord as he skip the song.

~Timeskip by Matt who is admiring himself at a mirror~

You opened your eyes and it seemed like you were in a living room, you were still sitting on Tom's lap, Tom was watching Tv , and there was Matt who sat next to Tom. "What are you watching, Tommy?"

"Huh? You're awake, this is 'the children'." 

"Oh, where's Edd?" 

"He's in the kitchen." 

"Where's the kitchen?" you asked, jumping off Tom's lap. Tom pointed at the kitchen, murmuring something under his breath. "Thanks, Tom." And he nodded in respond. You walked into the kitchen and saw Edd. "Edd! I miss you!" 

He laughed. "Really? Miss you too, (y/n)." 

You grinned. You saw a cat sitting on the chair, the cat was looking at Edd. "Whoa!" you shouted.

"W-what?!" Edd asked, surprised. 

"There's a cat in this house?!" 

"Oh, that's Ringo." 

"Hi Ringo, I'm (y/n)." You pet Ringo's head as Tord walked into the kitchen and saw you and Edd.

"Hey, Edd, can I have some cereal?" he asked. 

"Here, make it yourself," Edd said, passing the cereal, you looked at Tord as he added the cereal first into an empty bowl. (Thank God)

"What are you looking at?" Tord asked, realizing that you had been staring at him. 

"Uh, I-I was looking at-" Your voice was cut off by Tord who was walking to you, he put his hand on your head. Edd, help me. You glanced at Edd. He was watching your interaction with Tord as he drank a can of coke. He pat your head. "Chill, I'm not a pedophile." Tord smiled. 

"He's not a pedophile but he's a communist!" Tom yelled from the living room.

"Shut the hell up, Jehovah's Witness!" Tord yelled back.

"Ugh, shut up you two," Edd groaned. 

Tord shrugged, pouring milk to the cereal and eat it.

"By the way, can I call you Mommy Eddie, Edd?" 

Edd chuckled. "I'm not a mom, but, okay, sure, you can." 


"Well,(y/n), since you call Edd, mommy Eddie you can call me Daddy," Tord said but Edd smacked his head. 

"Ow! I mean 'Daddy' as in Dad! Not 'Daddy', like sugar daddy or some shit." 

"Just, shut up." 

Tord chuckled in respond.

~Timeskip night 🌙

You walked to the living room and saw Edd sitting on the couch and can of coke in his grip, you tried to get on the couch but it was useless, you were too small, Tom, who saw you struggling, let out a soft chuckle and pick you up, he put you on his lap, you cuddled to Tom's hoodie. "Looks like you have soft spot for kids," Edd said, raising an eyebrow. 

Tom sighed. "Yeah, never expect it either." 

You yawned and suddenly felt so sleepy. Edd noticed it and said, "(y/n), are you sleepy? Wanna sleep now?" 

You nodded your head as Edd picked you up and take you to his room.

~Timeskip morning 🌞

"Breakfast is ready!" you could hear Edd yelling from the kitchen, you jumped off the bed and ran to the kitchen. 

"Mommy Eddie, I'm hungry!" you shouted. 

He grinned. "Lucky for you, breakfast's ready. Sit here, (y/n)." Edd pat the chair next to him. "Do you wanna drink some milk?" 


"What flavor do you want?"

"(f/v) (favorite flavor XD), please." 

"On it, eat this pancakes first, okay?" 

"Okay." You smiled.

Tom, Matt and Tord walked into the dining room and took a seat. "Good morning, Tommy, Tord, Mattie!" you greeted them. 

"Good morning, (y/n)," they answered in unison. 

"Am I the only one who don't have a nickname? Then you shall call me daddy," Tord said, this time, Tom is the one who smacked his head. "What's your problem, Thomas?!" 

"You, you're the problem." They started to argue again until Edd came in. 

"Here is your milk, (y/n)," he said, handing you a glass of it. 

"Thank you." 

~Timeskip brought to you by HotChocolate671 and Tom burning Tord's hentai (s?)~

"Mommy Eddie, can I play in the backyard with Ringo?" you asked Edd, feeling so bored. 

"Of course you can, just take care okay? If something happens just call me," answered the perfect, kind man. 

"Okay, Ringo let's play!" Ringo meowed and nuzzled its head to your leg, making you giggled. You and Ringo were playing at the backyard together until someone called you. 

"Hey, kid! Who are you? What are you doing there?" 

"Hello, sir, my name is (y/n), as you can see I'm playing with Ringo," you answered, trying to get a good look at him since you can only see his head because of the fence. This guy seemed suspicious. "And who are you, sir?"

"My name is Eduardo, I'm numero uno," he said proudly. 

"What does numero uno mean?" 

"It means I'm better than Edd. Where are your parents?" 

"My parents are, Edd, Tom, Tord and Matt, they're in the house." 

"Oh. You must be happy living there, huh?" Eduardo said sarcastically. 

"Well, actually, yeah, I'm very happy living here, and can you leave me and Ringo here alone? I wanna play here." 

"Huh, you don't need t ask, kid," Eduardo said as he walked away.

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