Chapter 5

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You opened your eyes as you yawned and saw Edd. "Morning, (y/n)." 

"Morning, Edd." You sat down. 

"You fall asleep on the couch yesterday, while watching space cat," he explained. 

"Uh-huh, I can see I'm on the couch." You slightly nod, still half-asleep. 

He stared at you for a brief moment. "Wanna eat something?" 



"Yes." You grinned.

Edd chuckled and walked to the kitchen. 

"Hey, wanna go to a camp at the park?" Tord suddenly asked, walking to the kitchen, you could hear his voice, you ran to the kitchen and shouted, "Yes!!" 

Tord just laughed and pat your head. "Great, how about the others? Can you ask them?" 

"Of course." You rushed to Tom's room, you knocked at the door waiting for answer, you heard groan from Tom's room and him getting up from the bed.

"What is it? It's 8, I still wanna sleep," Tom said, opening the door. He rubbed his 'eyes'. 

"Tommy, do you wanna camp at the park?" 

"Oh, (y/n)." He light up a bit when he saw you. "Camping? When?"

"I don't know when, Tord and Edd are talking about it downstairs." 

"Yeah, sure, count me in cuz it's real fun," Tom said, being sarcastic as he closed the door.

You walked towards Matt's room and knocked the door "Mattie" 

"Yes?" Matt said, opening the door. 

"Do you wanna camp at the park?" 

"Of course!" He grinned. "When?" 

"I don't know, I think Edd and Tord are talking about it in the kitchen." 

"I'm gonna come and discuss it!" Matt shouted as he ran to the kitchen, you giggled and followed him.

~in the kitchen

"So. When are we going?" Matt asked Edd. 

"How about tomorrow?" 

"Tomorrow?! Isn't it too fast?" 

"It's okay, right?" 

"I'm fine with that," Tord chimed in. 

"That means, we're gonna buy the stuff we need today," Edd said.

"I'll wake Thomas up," Tord said walking to Tom's room.

~10 minutes later

There was a loud bang from upstairs and shouts, you and Matt shared a look, knowing Tom and Tord were fighting, Edd stood, sighing. "Argh! You commie bastard!" Tom yelled from his room, and then you heard Tord's laugh, sound someone running and yelling. 

Tord stormed downstairs, running to the living room and jumped to the couch, right next to you. Edd stared at Tord then looked at the stairs when Tom came down, huffing. "What happened, Tom?" Edd asked. 

"He shot my door with his fucking gun!" Tom yelled, pointing at Tord. 

"It's okay, right?" Tord turned to Edd. "He was sleeping too long." 

"Tord, you have to buy Tom  a new door, we're lucky Tom's fine," Edd said looking at Tord. "Now, let's go," he continued.

Everyone walked outside and entered the car, Edd sat on the driver seat, Matt sat in the Passenger seat, meanwhile you, Tom and Tord sat in the back, in the way to the store Tord and Tom kept fighting with you sitting in between them.

~timeskip back to the house :3

"Looks like we've got everything we need, now," Edd spoke up, looking at the stuff all of you just bought. 

"We bought 2 tent?" you asked Edd, looking up at him. 

"Yep, that means there are 2 to 3 people in one tent." 

"I'm with Edd!" Tom shouted. 

"Why?" Edd asked, raising both his brows, surprised and confused. 

"There's no way I'm gonna be in one tent with Tord or Matt." 

"But that's not fair!" Tord yelled. 

"How about a lottery?" Edd offered, smiling nervously. "I mean, it's the fairest choice." 

Tom and Tord both sighed. "Okay."

The result

Tent 1
Edd and Matt

Tent 2
Tom, Tord and (y/n)

"I'm with him?!" Tom and Tord yelled in unison as they pointed at each other, not accepting the fact. 

"Yay! I'm with Tommy and Tordle." You grinned happily, Tom and Tord saw you grinning and they finally stop yelling at each other.

Tom sighed. "Let's just do this for (y/n)." 

"Agreed," Tord said.

HotChocolate671 note :
Hi! Hope you like this story and if you do please vote for me 🙏
And I want to show you guys this

HotChocolate671 note :Hi! Hope you like this story and if you do please vote for me 🙏And I want to show you guys this

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Paul, Oh my god 😂

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