Chapter 7

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Your tent, it was destroyed.

Tom and Tord just stood at their place, shocked, while you ran towards your tent.

"Hey, (y/n)! Wait!" Tom shouted, running after you.

But you already ran to your tent, you stood in front of your tent, tears started to fill your eyes. "W-who did this...?" you asked quietly. 

Tom and Tord ran towards you and Tom quickly hugged you, while Tom looked calm, Tord face looked extremely panic, you hugged Tom and sobbed, meanwhile, Tord is looking for something.

"What are you looking for!?" Tom shouted at Tord.

He quickly turned to face Tom. "My beautiful sniper!" Tord shouted and continue searching.

Tom groaned. "Timing, Commie," Tom said, gesturing at you.

Tord frowned. "Well, sorry"

Tord walked to you and patted your head. "It's okay, everything's gonna be fine, if I found my sniper," Tord said, mumbling the last sentence.

Tom glared at him. "You're kidding me." 

"Shut up." Tord rolled his eyes and walked back to the tent to search his sniper.

"I'll gon find Edd now, wanna come?" Tom asked holding your hand, you nodded your head and wiped off your tears. "Tord, we're gonna go and find Edd!" 

"Sure, whatever you want, Jehovah's Witness." 

Tom hold your hand and walked away with you, leaving Tord alone, you glanced at Tord once again and asked Tom. "Are you sure we can leave him alone?" 

"Yeah, he have his sniper rifle," Tom said, shrugging.

~meanwhile with Tord

Tord was searching for his rifle and walked around the tent when he suddenly heard footsteps, he turned around and saw you holding his rifle and aimed it at him, Tord sighed, "(y/n), give me back my rifle," he said, offering his hand so you can give him back his rifle. "And don't aim it at me!" 

You just smiled and walked towards Tord. Tord took a few steps back and noticed the look on your eyes 'she wants to see blood' he thought, he gulped and put his hands on the air. "Who are you and what do you want?" 

You smiled. "I want you to come with me." 

Tord looked hesitant and wanted to fight especially because he have handguns in his hoodie pocket, but he slowly nodded. "Fine, where to?" Tord asked, putting his hands on his hoodie pocket, he tries to take his handguns and shot you, but you realized that he have another guns.

"Don't fucking move," you growled.

Tord looked surprised, raised his eyebrows. "Your language, kiddo." 

You smirked and shot his leg, Tord screamed as he quickly cover his wound with his hands so he won't run out of blood.

~Back to Tom.

Tom were shaking Edd's tent so he'll come out but there's no respond, Tom groaned and opened the tent door only to find no one inside. "Where the hell are they?" Tom asked, looking at an empty tent, he turned to you. "Did you know where they're going?"

"...No, I'm with you and Tord all the time."

"Huh, this is weird." Tom looked back at the tent, he thought about something like really serious, until finally he snapped back to reality, he turned at you. "We should go back at Tord's," he said, worried in his 'eyes', you nodded.

Then suddenly there was a scream coming from your tent way, Tom groaned and hold your hand and quickly ran towards the tent, he stopped at his tracks when he saw bloods everywhere.

"Well, isn't this bad," Tom mumbled.

"Whose blood is this?" you asked Tom, tightening your grip to Tom's hand, heart beating faster.

"I guess it's Tord's. Who else?"

"What?!" you shouted. "What're we gonna do now?"

"We'll find them obviously," he paused turning to you. "You're not supposed to see this are you?"

"Them? Did Edd and Matt also gone?" you asked, ignoring his last question.

"I think so, yes."

"Then why's there no blood in their tent?"

"What, you want them to bleed?"

"No, just... want to know."

"In my opinion, Commie might fought the bad guy while Edd and Matt didn't, that's why there's no blood in their tent."

"Oh... but how about Tord? He lost lot of blood."

"Yeah, he'll die soon," Tom said, shrugging.

"Why are you actually calm about Tord's dying?"

"I never liked him." Suddenly, a black mist appeared out of nowhere between the trees, and another you showed up. "Who the hell are you?!" Tom shouted. You furrowed your brows looking at Tom and the other you back and forth.

"Well, this is weird," you murmured.

"Why are you imitating (y/n)!?" Tom shouted, pulling you to him because you were walking to her. "Hey, you little girl, answer me!" 

The other you laughed and slowly changed to an old lady with grey hair, Tom face looked frightened and disgusted. "Holy shit! Not so little anymore!" Tom shouted.

The old lady looked at Tom. "Stop talking."

"Who are you?!"

"As you can see, people may know me as the Silent Witch."

"I feel like I heard that name before," you said, looking at Tom.

"The sign in front of this forest, there's written 'beware of the silent witch'," Tom answered, still looking at the witch.

"Oh, right! But then Tord shot the sign down."

"You're right, little girl, that's why I shot him," the old lady said.

"You shot him?!" you shouted at her.

"Why yes I did, don't you see by looking at this blood mess?" the old lady laughed.

"Tommy, I started to hate this old lady." You grasped Tom's hand again.

"Do not call me old lady!"

"Then what?" Tom said, with an 'look at yourself' face.

"I am the Silent Witch!"

"Fuck off," Tom groaned.

"Well, I take your friends without you noticing," the old lady said, pointing at you and Tom back and forth.

Tom rolled his 'eyes'. "Whatever, madam."

"Don't call me madam!"

"Ugh, Oh, yeah, sure, the Silent Witch ain't that silent anymore," he mocked, pissed off.

The Silent Witch groaned and her hair started floating as her eyes started to turned to green. "YOU WILL NEVER FIND YOUR FRIENDS! THEY'LL DIE SLOWLY AND PAINFULLY!" She shouted as she vanished.

"Yeah, go!" Tom yelled. "Fuck you old lady!"

"Now what?" You turned to him.

"Let's go to a nearest shelter or house to ask for help and ask what the hell's the Silent Witch."

To be continue~

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2020 ⏰

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