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Cesario knew they were in trouble when the Edgewise went quiet

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Cesario knew they were in trouble when the Edgewise went quiet. She skidded across the floor on her knees, frantically patting Lady Agatha's face.

"Come on, come on, time to wake up," she said. Yosepf knelt beside her, his birdlike mask hollowed by shadows.

The apothecary shook his head. "I don't know what's wrong with her--"

Lady Agatha sat up without warning, connecting with Cesario's forehead.

"Ah, my Lady, you've awakened," said Yosepf. Cesario clutched her wounded head, trying to settle her double vision when Lady Agatha seized her shoulders.

"I remember him! Melvin Deacon! He was Macklemore's apprentice!"

Cesario stared at her. "But Mack's never had an apprentice before Calponia."

Lady Agatha shook her harder. "Do try to remember, Viola!"

The Edgewise shuddered, the floorboards rolled beneath them. Cesario would have pitched forward if not for the Lady Knight's hands holding her upright. The two clutched one another as the door slammed open.

"Oh no," said Cesario.

Henderson filled the entrance, an apocalypse unfolding in his dark gaze. The tavern shivered as he entered, dragging an unconscious Calponia by her hair. He dropped her once he cleared the threshold, staring down the collective group.

"You," he sneered. "The lot of you. The chosen few, revolutionaries, warriors, princes, kings. What a fine collection gathered together. Do you even know how special you are?"

Cesario shared a wide eyed glance with Lady Agatha. By the Bard, what was he raving about? Calponia's head fell limply to the side, her features lax. A thrill of recognition went through Cesario as memory trickled back to her.

"Mel," she whispered.

Lady Agatha's grip tightened on her. "What is the meaning of this Jacob?"

His smile was cruel madness. "Sanctuary. What a grand lie." He spat on the floor. "The Edgewise is nothing but a manipulative machine. Did you never wonder why the door opened for any you? Did you ever wonder what purpose you had to play? I know my purpose." He stepped forward, looming over them. The others were two shell shocked to move, but Yosepf shifted in front of them.

"Oh, I'm ready for you this time, mongrel," said Henderson, flicking his fingers. Yosepf burst apart in an explosion of shadows.

Lady Agatha roared, drawing a blade from a holster on her thigh. Cesario saw the intent on Jacob's face and wrapped her arms around the woman's leg, holding her in place for all she was worth.

"You bastard!" Lady Agatha screamed.

"I am many things, Lady Knight, but not that," said Henderson. "Not one of the Edgewise's chosen scions, but it will regret such a careless dismissal when I'm through. Enjoy the show." He rasped. Henderson stomped his foot. Cesario watched in horror as he and the unconscious Calponia sank into the floor. She'd never seen anyone manipulate the tavern like that except Mack...

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