eight: she's a songwriter, not a skater

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MATTHEW HAD JUST opened the door to his bedroom when a pillow was chucked at him. He swiftly shut the door, hearing a rather loud thud as the pillow hit the door.

When nothing but silence lingered, he tentatively opened the door, peeking his head inside. He had to stop the boyish grin from overtaking his face when he saw Ariana laying on the bed, banging her head on the sheets.

"Why... why... why..." Her voice was muffled, her broken-record words leaving her mouth in a groan.

"How hard did you throw that pillow?"

She peered up at him in exhaustion.

"Seriously," He inspected his door. "I think you left a dent."

"I can't do this." She whined, pounding her head back into the bed.

"Can't do what?" He asked as he sat down on the bed beside her.

Sighing, Arianna flipped onto her back. "I'm supposed to write a new song for our upcoming gig in a week! A week! And I have got nothing! Absolutely nothing!"

Her voice rose with each punctuated word to the point where Matthew felt a little fear run through him. They had gotten into disagreements before, but never a full-blown argument; now that he saw what she is capable of, he surely doesn't want to get into one now.

So he chose his next words carefully, "Why don't we get out for a little? Go do something that'll take your mind off this."

"Did you not hear what I just said? A week! A week, Matthew!"

"Yeah, I did." He leaned down with a smile, pressing his lips to hers softly. He pecked her lips once, twice, thrice before he pulling away. "But if you stay here any longer that vein in your forehead is gonna pop."

Arianna released an airy laugh, and he could see the tension drain from her body bit by bit. That's just what he wanted. But now as he gazed down at her, she looked so lovely with the sun's rays shining through the window pouring over her so perfectly. The light reflected off her eyes, causing them to shimmer as if they were chandeliers. He was falling for this girl so hard, so quickly.

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