Robin Turner

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"All of this stuff is really

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"All of this stuff is really... antique."

Robin stroked her hand against the mahogany wood surface of the fireplace. Not a fleck of dust in sight. This was to be expected from Robin's grandmother.

She met her grandmother's gaze. Her grandmother was an elegant woman, dressed in scarves and a dress shirt with a swirl of colors covering its surface. Her smile was warm and brought out the crows feet by her brown eyes. "It comes with age." Her grandmother said with a wink, her grin widening. She grabbed at her handbag and glanced at the door. "You sure you'll be fine here alone for a few hours?"

Robin nodded reassuringly, "Yes. I am eighteen, remember?"

"That's what I'm worried about." Her grandmother said with a wink as she turned towards the door and pulled it open. Before crossing the threshold, she again glanced Robin's way, "What are the plans for an eighteen year old?"

Robin's smile faltered and she shrugged, glancing at the staircase across the room, "Movie night." Robin felt for her tote bag that hung by her hip, "I brought a couple of my favorite DVDs."

There was a twinkle in her grandmothers eyes that Robin wasn't sure if she imagined, but as her grandmother closed the door her next words seem to linger in the room.

"You be careful, dear."

Robin snorted, stifling a laugh.

Why on earth would she need a reminder to be careful? So she didn't fall up the stairs?

Smiling in amusement, Robin ascended the staircase where her grandmother kept the TV and DVD player. Her grandmother kept these things upstairs, her way of not allowing the technology to spoil her downstairs ambiance.

Although her grandmother's house was comfortable, she would've loved to have been in her own home. To her disliking, her parents were away and ordered her to stay with her elderly, yet lively grandma for the weekend. This was a rarity all on its own.

Robin wandered into the loft area, which looked like an average midcentury modern living room, except for the rather large and rather ancient television set that looked like it belonged in a time all it's own.

Robin felt her smile fall as she stared at the TV. It was no flat screen. The TV itself was large but the screen was rather small.

She sighed before plopping herself in front of it and flipped on the DVD player, which was not as ancient as the television. Robin grabbed at her bag and dumped the contents onto the floor beside her.

Robin read over the movie titles of the DVDs she brought aloud to herself until she picked one up. This movie was probably her all time favorite.

"Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of the Black Pearl."

She opened the case and set it into the DVD player only to be welcomed by a blue screen that didn't go away.

Robin sighed, and fell back to the floor on her back, "Are you kidding me?!" She cried to the ceiling dramatically.

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