Jack Sparrow

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Robin found herself in the dimly lit room belonging to Elizabeth

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Robin found herself in the dimly lit room belonging to Elizabeth. Robin couldn't stop thinking about the minor changes that occurred thus far in the movie.

What role was she really playing being there?

Robin sat on the arm of a chair, swinging her bare feet lazily, her boots were drying off by her feet. She was watching Elizabeth, who paced around the room, examining the medallion no longer hanging around Robin's neck.

"It's curious that I had a dream about this very necklace last night and you happen to be wearing it once more." She spoke softly, as if her father might be listening.

Robin pulled her hair back and tied it into a ponytail with the black elastic band she always kept on her right wrist for safe keeping. "What it is, is a weird coincidence." She replied coolly.

"Is it?" Elizabeth's voice raised, and she finally looked away from the medallion and at Robin, "I just – I have this strange feeling that something bad – something drastically terrible would happen today."

Robin stifled a laugh at her dramatic tone, "You mean like falling a hundred feet and nearly drowning to death?"

A faint explosive noise sounded and silenced them for a moment.

"Was that canon fire?" Elizabeth blinked at the open window.

Robin sighed heavily and leaned down to grab her socks, "Of course, how could I forget." She muttered whilst tugging her socks on before looking up at Elizabeth.

To her surprise, Elizabeth Swann was nowhere in sight and the bedroom door was wide open.


A loud gun shot was Robin's reply.


Robin hurriedly tugged her boots on and nearly tripped over her own feet getting to the door only to be faced with Elizabeth again.

"They're right behind me!" She yelped frantically, closing the door before leaning against it. "What do we do?!"

"Um..." Robin eyed the open window before jogging towards it, "You think we could make a jump for it out the window?"

Robin could faintly hear gun fire off in the distance towards the town. She glanced down the balcony to see how far the ground was. "Or we could climb down. I've done it before, it's not that hard."

Robin thought back to all the times she snuck out of her mother's house and smiled faintly before turning back to Elizabeth. "It's your call."

Elizabeth gawked back at Robin as she strode closer towards the window. Elizabeth peered out the window towards the ground, "After earlier today, I have a distinct fear of heights."

Robin rolled her eyes, "You don't have a fear of heights, you have a fear of falling."

Elizabeth backed away and motioned towards the closet, "We should hide."

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