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"Behind you!"

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"Behind you!"

Robin's eyes widened as she whipped her head around only to be thrown back against a rock. She gasped out in pain and her eyes searched for the source of the blow.

One of the pirates had thrown a bomb their way and the impact blew her back. Will was on the pirates heels.

"Bloody pirates." Robin breathed just as Barbossa let out a menacing laugh. Robin cringed at the noise but pulled herself up. Yet another pirate appeared in front of her, sneering menacingly. Robin's eyes widened yet again and she felt her body for the sword. "Crap."

Robin glanced at the ground, searching for a weapon. The pirate lunged at her, sword held high over his head. Robin did the only thing she could do, with adrenaline coursing through her she jumped up and kicked the pirate square in the face.

Another pirate came from behind her and Robin swung her elbow at him and got him in the chest. This only gave her a second to think. Her eyes glanced wearily to Jack and then to the treasure chest.

The pirate recovered quickly from her blow and swung at her. She crouched down and side swept his legs. With a huff she scampered towards a nearby knife and grabbed at it.

"I need a sword." Robin kept saying to herself, "I need a sword, I need a sword."

"Robin!" Will shouted.

Robin turned on her heel in just enough time to see Elizabeth swinging an oar at the pirate that was previously over Will. "Try wearing a corset!" She had shouted to it.

Robin rolled her eyes but smiled and ran for them. Once again, a pirate appeared in front of her, his skeleton glowing ghastly in the moonlight. Robin scrunched up her nose and wielded the knife at him, slicing the air threateningly. The pirate grabbed at her arm in a death grip. She gasped out in pain before kicking at his crotch, he loosened his grip and she kicked at his chest.

Just as she glanced down to take a breather, there gleaming in the moonlight was the sword she dropped. Robin grabbed at it eagerly just in time to dodge yet another attack.

Three pirates surrounded her and she did the best to hold up her own. She frightfully glanced around until she finally spotted Elizabeth and Will, "Hey, lovebirds!" Robin shouted to them, "I could use a little help!"

They ran in her direction, Will wielding the oar Elizabeth previously had. He knocked over two pirates at once and Robin kicked the last one so they were in a straight line. Will lugged the sword into the three pirates and the pirates were skewered together.

Robin eyes averted towards the ground and she luckily found what she was looking for, a bomb.

"Will!" She held the bomb carefully in her hands, "Light it!" Will gave her a curious look before understanding washed over him.

Will grabbed at the lantern that the pirates brought and lit the bomb. Sparks flew and Robin grabbed at the bomb. Will protested but Robin shoved it into the middle pirates gut. "Out to the shadows!" Robin ordered, and Elizabeth and Will both pushed them back.

The middle pirate grabbed frantically at his now flesh stomach and locked eyes with Will, "Not fair."

Robin didn't have time to see the magnificent blaze, though she did feel the impact as she made her way towards the cursed treasure pulling Will along with her.

Robin lost her footing and slipped over a mossy rock and landed roughly on her hands and knees, "Oh jeez." She said to herself as she pushed herself up. Her eyes glanced up and noticed a gleam of gold rise into the air and land into Will's hand.

"Robin!" Elizabeth cried. Robin eyes locked with Jack's wide ones and that's when she noticed Barbossa's musket pointed towards her.

A loud shot rang over. Robin's eyes grew wide as she grasped her body.

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