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"C'mon! Go on!"All the pirates not apart of Jack's crew wielded their swords towards Elizabeth menacingly as she stood on the plank

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"C'mon! Go on!"

All the pirates not apart of Jack's crew wielded their swords towards Elizabeth menacingly as she stood on the plank. Robin glanced past her and noticed the island ahead.

Will ran to help the damsel in distress but was pulled back by Barbossa's pirates. "Barbossa you lying bastard! You swore she'd go free!"

Robin attempted to shove through the pirates but was tugged back and put with the rest of the crew who were tied up at the moment.

"Don't dare impugn me on her boy! I agreed she'd go free but it was you who failed to specify when or where." Barbossa said with a sinister grin. Will was tugged back with a gag over his mouth, "Though it does seem a shame to lose something so fine, so I'd be having that dress back from you."

Elizabeth's face flushed. Robin always thought that was one of the funniest lines Barbossa said, but being in this situation she couldn't help but cringe at the insult aimed at Elizabeth.

Elizabeth tugged the dress off, "It goes with your black heart."

Barbossa held the dress to his cheek, "It's still warm." He commented as he threw it out to the woman deprived pirates who grabbed at it eagerly.

Elizabeth edged her way closer and closer to the edge, repeatedly looking over her shoulder to Will until finally, "Too long!" A dark pirate shouted as he shook the plank with his foot and Elizabeth barreled into the ocean. If it weren't for the circumstances, Robin would've snorted in amusement.

Then they shoved Jack towards the plank, Robin felt her heart sink.

"I really rather hoped we were past all this." Jack interjected to Barbossa.

"Jack." Barbossa casually roped his arm around Jack's shoulders, "Jack, did you not notice? That be the same little island we made you governor of on our last little trip." Pirates around laughed, though Robin found nothing funny.

"I did notice."

"Perhaps you'll be able to conjure up another miraculous escape." Barbossa retorted. "But I doubt it."

Barbossa wielded his sword out and towards Jack, pushing Jack back towards the plank, "Off you go."

Jack's eyes flickered towards Robin's. She could read his face clearly. He was truly worried about his life, and Robin knew why but she also knew the outcome so she felt no need to saunter towards them and try to save the day. But the gaze Jack gave her, as if he would never see her again, made Robin's heart race that she had to clench her hands into fists to stop herself from throwing herself in front of him.

Jack finally tore his eyes away, "Last time you left me a pistol with one shot."

"You're right! Where be Jack's pistol?" Barbossa shouted as he put his sword away.

Jack glanced into the ocean, "Seeing as there's two of us, a gentleman would give us a pair of pistols." He said hopefully.

"It'll be one pistol as before and you can be the gentleman and shoot the lady and starve to death yourself." Barbossa chunked the pistol and Jack's effects overboard. Jack quickly dived in after them.

The pirates cheered with joy at seeing Jack's condemnation. Barbossa silenced and shouted, "Lock 'em in the brig!"

Robin, Will and the rest of the crew were shoved into the dark crevices Robin found all too familiar and locked away. Before, Robin hadn't been all that scared of the brig. But being surrounded by many sweaty men (and one other woman) in a moist atmosphere made her feel claustrophobic.

In desperation she shoved her way towards the hole in the boat and took slow deep breaths. She coughed at first from breathing in the salty ocean air but slowly the meditation cleared her head. She laid her forehead against the boats walls, sat up on a barrel and closed her eyes, "I want to go home, now." Her eyelids fluttered open as she looked up, "You can take me home now!" She whispered to the heavens, "I don't want to be in this anymore...I just want to go home."

Her eyes slowly fluttered close until she let the darkness surround her and swallow her up into a deep sleep.


Robin's eyes shot open and fell onto a massive blue screen that filled the room with blue light. The rain outside the window had subsided. Robin was laid on the floor, a white nightgown covered her body and she shivered against the cold wooden floor.


Robin's eyes averted towards the older woman who now leaned down over her. Robin pushed herself up onto her elbows.

"Grandma Valerie?" Robin's eyes tore away from her grandmothers dark blue ones that seemed to glow with the blue light around them. Robin found that the blue screen emanated from the massive television set right smack in front of her. "How did I get here?" Robin's voice was soft and innocent like. Robin glanced down at herself and noticed her small hands and feet. She felt for her hair which was tied in a long dark braid that ran down her back.

Her grandmother laid her hand on her head, "I was about to ask you the same thing, child. I tucked you in bed and watched you fall asleep a few hours ago. You must've sneaked down to watch a movie," He grandmother moved towards the TV and turned off with a push of a button. "What were you watching?"

Robin stammered, her eyebrows furrowed in confusion, "I-I was watching P-Pirates..."

Her grandmother looked at her in surprise, "Pirates?" She smiled down at the young Robin, "Well, you should know, child. This is a very special TV."

"Special?" Robin questioned as her grandmother scooped her into her arms.

"Yes, special. Only for special people like you and I." Her grandmother began to carry her away from the television room. Robin found her gaze set on the TV.

"I'm special?" Robin asked, her eyes still locked questioningly on the TV.

"Oh yes, you're very special Robin."


Robin's eyes snapped open at the noise, her eyes locked onto the crew who were watching two pirates mop up the floors. 'It was a dream.'

"Shiver me timber!"

"Cotton said you missed a bit."
Robin snorted as the pirate brought his mop up in defense.

Robin then heard a familiar voice that made her relax even more, "You know William Turner?"

"Ol' Bootstrap Bill, we knew him. Never sat well with Bootstrap what we did to Jack Sparrow. The mutiny and all. He said it wasn't right with the code. That's why he sent off a piece of treasure to you as it were. He said we deserved to be cursed...and remain cursed."

The other pirate said something incomprehensible to Robin so she just took note of what Gibbs said, "Good man."

"But as you can imagine, that didn't sit too well with the Captain."

"That didn't sit too well with the Captain at all." Robin rolled her eyes at the snickering pirate. "Tell em what Barbossa did."

"I'm telling the story! So what the Captain did he strapped a cannon to Bootstrap's bootstrap and last we saw of Ol Bill Turner he was sinking into the crushing black oblivion Davy Jones locker. 'Course it was only after that we known we needed his blood to lift the curse."

"Ironic." Robin shouted. Everyone's head snapped towards her, she made her way to the gates that barely separated her and the two other pirates, "Serves you all right, to be living in your own personal hell" Their eyes squinted at her in anger, "My father ought to be laughing in his grave right about now." She spat out unexpectedly.

"Your father?" an unexpected voice boomed, it was Barbossa. He sauntered towards Robin and squinted his eyes at her.

Her voice seemed to vanish in fear; her eyes glanced towards Will who gazed back at her with the same look on her face. Her eyes lingered on his before returning to Barbossa's. She craned her neck up to give her a tougher look. "Yes, my father Bootstrap Bill." She elongated her words.

Barbossa snarled, "You're telling me, this Will Turner," he pointed to Will, "Is yet another deceiving soul to claim he's the child of William Turner?"

"Yes." Robin blurted out.

"No!" Will shouted, "She's lying!"

Barbossa looked at the both of them, flabbergasted, "Well I'm going to spill the right blood today whether it's the both of you or not –"

"She's my sister!" Will shouted, "We're twins." Barbossa eyes flickered in delight, "You take my blood," Will pleaded, "You don't need hers too."

Barbossa smirked and sauntered closer to Will, "Actually, the more the merrier. Bring them both!" Barbossa said with finality as he tossed the keys to the glass eye pirate.

Will grunted in dismay, "What have you done, Robin?!"

Robin couldn't bear looking into his hurt eyes, "We're family, Will. I did what I had to." She thought for a second, 'What I think I had to.'

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