A bad day in the Everfree

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It was a nice quiet day in ponyville, and everpony was doing their own thing. Children were playing, and ponies were going about their own business. Outside Ponyville in the fields, everypon's favorite cyan pegasus, Rainbow Dash, was practicing a new trick she invented. She had thought of it the night before, it was meant to show it off for the Wonderbolts and was now putting it to the test. "Alright Fluttershy, are you ready for the most awesome trick you ever seen?" Rainbow said. She had invited Fluttershy to watch her new trick. Dash thought Fluttershy would be the best choice to watch. For one thing, she was her best friend since flight school and supported her when her parents died. She really missed them and Fluttershy really helped her through her loss. Plus, she thought of her as a older sister, so it was only natural she'd watch. "Oh, um, sure Rainbow Dash. I'm ready, so you can start... if you're ready that is." Fluttershy always thought she had to support Rainbow Dash. She couldn't imagine how it felt to lose both parents. Thinking about it made her feel uncomfortable, and she kinda felt like a big sister taking care of her sibling. "Alright then! Here I go." Rainbow Dash flew high up in the air at top speed. When she was high enough, she started spinning. She was becoming something like a tornado or a drill. She started to make loops still spiraling, going higher into the sky. 'Ok, time to finish this with a bang,' She thought. She then went into a dive going at incredible speed. She was only a few more feet from the ground. Then, just before crashing she pulled up and BOOM! She did her most awesome trick: the Sonic Rainboom. The cocky pegasus flipped onto her back still flying, with a big smirk on her face. Fluttershy was very impressed. She gave her best YAY, which was still very quiet. "Wow Rainbow Dash! That was..." Her voice trailed off seeing that Rainbow Dash was heading right towards the side of a cliff. "RAINBOW DASH!!! LOOK OUT!!" But she was too late. Rainbow had crashed head first into the side of the cliff face and was now free falling. Fluttershy just watched in horror as her friend fell from the sky, too afraid to move. It wasn't Rainbow's falling that made her so scared. It was where she was falling to. The blue pegasus was falling right into the place nopony in the right mind would go into...The Everfree Forest. When she finally snapped out of her trance, she started to trot to the forest to go see if Rainbow was okay, and to save her from the forest. She didn't want to go into the forest alone, but if she tried to go get help something bad may happen. She wasn't taking any chances! She was too worried to risk it. And besides, Rainbow couldn't have crashed that deep in the forest, could she? What's the worst that could happen?


In the forest, Dash was beginning to wake up from her latest crash. Her head felt heavy and her wings were in pain. "Great! I broke a wing," she grumbled to herself. Looking around, she was hoping that she didn't crash into somepony's bathroom again, like at Sweet apple acres. To sum it up, she now had nightmares of Granny Smith in the shower. Then when she finally had a good look around, she knew exactly were she was and she didn't like it. "Oh my goddess. I'm in the EVERFREE FOREST!" she panicked. Not only was she in the forest, but she was in the forest alone, with a broken wing. "Okay, calm down Dashie. It's not that bad," she said to herself calming down a little. "You're probably not even that far from the entrance." She looked around trying to find the entrance. Taking a glance behind her, and sighed in relief. There beyond a few trees was a light to the exit of the forest. Her joy grew when she saw who was coming through the entrance. "Fluttershy!" She must have heard her because Fluttershy was now moving faster towards her. When she saw her friend galloping to her, she stood up on her hooves and made a dash for her friend, being careful of her sore wing. Little did she know, under her hooves and all around her crash site were a patch of strange looking red plants. Fluttershy was so happy to find Rainbow Dash safe and sound. She ran faster to her friend and when she finally found her, she embraced Rainbow in a hug. They stayed that way for a few seconds until Fluttershy looked down- Wait, down? She may have been the oldest of the circle of her six friends, but she was never taller than any of them, including Rainbow Dash.
She let go of Dash to get a good look at her. She looked... different. Not only did she look smaller, but she looked younger too. She stared at Rainbow until...
"Fluttershy, what's wrong?" Dash asked. Then, she noticed something different about her voice. It sounded higher and less mature. "What's wrong with my voice?" she asked, confusion taking ahold of her. She looked up at Fluttershy and noticed she was taller. In fact, everything looked taller and... growing? "What's happening to me!?" Dash wailed. Her fear was returning. Dash's screaming made Fluttershy snap out of her daze and say, "Rainbow Dash, YOU'RE GETTING YOUNGER!" The words made Rainbows eye bulge in fear. "Younger!?" She looked at her hooves. They were shrinking before her eyes.
"Ahh!!! How young am I going to get!?" she shouted looking back up to Fluttershy. Fluttershy shook her head. "I-I don't know!" she stuttered still looking at Dash with shock. She looked the same age as the CMC now. Dash closed her eyes refusing to look any longer at the growing world. She kept them closed for a few minutes. The next time she opened her eyes, the world stopped growing but everything looked huge. The trees were like sky scrapers now. She looked up at Fluttershy to see that she was now giant. "Fwuttewshy what's happened to me?" She heard her voice. It sounded so high and childish. Fluttershy bit her bottom lip and looked at Rainbow. "Um... you're, uhh..."
"Yes?" Dash said wanting the answer now. "You're a baby." she finally said. Dash froze. "What!?" she screamed. She looked down at her body. It looked so small and chubby. "NOOOOOOOOOO!" she screamed again. " No! I dun wanna be a baby!" She exclaimed, rolling onto her back an and kicking her hooves in the air, tears pouring from her eyes. Fluttershy, being the caring, loving pony she is couldn't stand seeing foals cry and certainly not her friends. So, scooping up the now foal Rainbow Dash, she rocked and cooed to her to calm her down. "Shhh... it's okay, Dashie. We'll think of something." Rainbows crying slowed down to a small whimper. Then she looked up at Flutteryshy. "W-We wiww?" she asked with big baby eyes. Fluttershy gave her a big motherly smile and said, "Sure we will." Then booped Rainbows nose causing her to giggle. Suddenly, something fell from the bottom of Rainbows hoof. "What's this?" Fluttershy asked picking up the object. It was a red flower. It had five leaves that reminded her of a star. It looked so familiar... "Ohmygosh!" she said letting go of the plant and letting it fall to the ground. Dash looked at the plant then back at Fluttershy " What wong?" Dash asked. "That's poison joke!" she said.
Dash's eyes grew once more as she she looked back down at the plant. "But awen't poison joke blue?" 'It was true that poison joke came in blue. Maybe it came in other colors too.' Fluttershy thought to herself. Then another thought came to her. "This is great!" she yelled making Dash look at her. "What?" she said hoping Flutters came up with a solution. Fluttershy looked back down at the foal in her arms "Um, yeah. We can go see Zecora. She helped us with our last poison joke problem before. Maybe she can do it again," she explained. A smile grew wide on Rainbow's face. "So I can be big again?" she asked, hope building up inside her. "Yup," Fluttershy responded. Then, putting Rainbow Dash on her back, she started making her way to Zecora's place in the Everfree. Rainbow was now relaxed. This would all be over soon and she'd be back to normal. 'Thank Celestia,' she thought to herself. 'I would hate to be in a diapers again.'

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