Kiddy pool

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The Next Morning.

Fluttershy was feeding her animals with a little help, from little Rainbow Dash. Fluttershy would throw the pellets of food on the ground. While Rainbow would reach in the bag and hoof feed the animals, Rainbow decided to help Fluttershy as best she could today because there seemed to be a lot more animals than usual and she wanted to do something than sit on her patted behind.

Fluttershy giggled when she saw Rainbow feeding a little baby rabbit, she thought Rainbow would have a hard time feeding the animals so she only let her feed the little ones like baby rabbits, squirrels and other small animals. She looks so cute trying to reach into the bag and feed the little critters, she couldn't help but to smile.

Then she started to get the feeling of wanting her as her own child, again. 'No Fluttershy she is your friend and nothing more, she has her own life to live and when she changes back you'll both forget this ever happened." she thought. Ever since that talk with Pinkie yesterday she's been thinking nonstop about Rainbow and the more she tried to refuse the thought the more it seamed to fight back.

Suddenly there was a yelp and crashing sound. Fluttershy looked back over to Rainbow who was now covered in pellets. 'She must have somehow knocked over the bag trying to reach for more pellets.' Fluttershy thought. Just as suddenly as the pellets fell on Rainbow a whole bunch of hungry animals circled around her and started licking the pellets off of her and making her scream giggling.

"Hey s-stop I-I'm tickwish there d-don't!" she screamed through the relentlessly hungry animals until she felt she was lifted up by a pair of hooves.

Fluttershy had hovered over the hoard of animals and reached down to get Rainbow from their clutches. "Okay, let's go back inside." she said and flew back into her home.

When they were safe inside they sat on the couch relaxed with Rainbow cuddled up under her Flutters wings. 'What am I going to do?' Rainbow thought to herself she was worried about what Pumpkin Cake mentioned yesterday. 'If I tell Fluttershy how I feel how would it affect our friendship... and what if she agrees?' she shook her head at the dumb thought.

"Rainbow, is there something wrong?" Fluttershy asked noticing Rainbow seemed distracted.

Rainbow was again focused and looked up at her. "Yeah I'm okay." she said and shifted around a little.

Fluttershy raised a brow. "Does somepony need a diaper change?" she asked.

Rainbow blushed and nodded. Fluttershy picked her up and took her upstairs to be changed.

Once she was changed there was a knock at the door. Fluttershy went to open the door to be met by the Cutie Mark Crusaders.

"Hi Fluttershy." the girls said in unison.

"Hi girls, what brings you here?" Fluttershy asked.

Scootaloo answered. "We wanted to ask if you and Rainbow could come to the lake with us for a swim."

Fluttershy thought about it for a minute. "Hmm, I guess if Rainbow would like to go." she said, she turned to Rainbow, "Well?"

"Wet's go! Wet's go!" she said excitedly.


When they got to the lake, the CMC had already set up a spot on the shore and were swimming, splashing and giggling. Rainbow was still with Fluttershy on the shore getting prepped up.

Fluttershy thought it was important for her to 'stay safe' so she started rubbing sun screen on her and made her put on some floaties.

"Come on Fwuttewshy, I don't need these stupid fwoaties." Rainbow complained.

Her little RainbowWhere stories live. Discover now