Startting the day

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The next morning, Fluttershy was the first to wake up, she yawned and looked down her side to see Rainbow Dash curled up against her belly still snoozing, she smiled, very carefully she lifted up off of her bed so Dash could still sleep and went down stairs to start the day. When she made it downstairs, where she was greeted by a not so pleasant sight, she forgot about the mess Rainbow and Angel made last night, water is still on the floor and sponges were everywhere "Oh my, looks like I got some cleaning to do." she said, she went into the kitchen then came back with a mop and bucket, "Okay, let's get started."


Back upstairs, Rainbow Dash was starting to wake up, she yawned and rubbed the rest of her sleep from her little eyes, she looked around to see she was alone, for some reason she didn't feel too comfortable to be alone. 'Why does everything looks so...big and scary?' she shook her head of the foolish thought refusing to be scared, 'No this isn't scary...why would I even think that way?' she just shrugged and continued to look around for somepony. When she realized she was completely alone she started calling for Fluttershy "Fwuttewshy, where are you?!" she yelled, she kept yelling until Fluttershy finally came. "Oh you're awake." she said, coming up to the side of the bed and looking at rainbow.
"Yeah I'm awake, what took you so long?!" she complained, she was then lifted up by Fluttershy.
"Hmm, I think somepony's a little cranky today." she said with a little smirk to humor Dash.Dash just pouted, "I'm not cwanky, I'm hungwy." she retorted, then her stomach started to growl. "See!?" Fluttershy then started feeling the bottom of Dash's diaper. "Hungry and a little wet." she giggled. "WHAT?!" she yelled then shifted around in her diaper to feel it, her eyes grew wide, she was right, "NO HOW, I DIDN'T EVEN FEEL IT!!" she yelled again, she felt embarrassed she had wet herself in her sleep like a baby, she could feel her eyes starting to tear up but no matter how hard she tried she couldn't stop them. Fluttershy winced she didn't mean to make her cry, "Oh Rainbow I'm sorry, it's okay, it's not too bad." she said hoping to calm her down. Rainbow didn't listen she just continued crying, 'What's wrong with me,' she thought "I'm Rainbow dash the fastest flyer in Equestria, why am I suddenly acting like a baby crying over a wet diaper?" Then she remembered what Angel said to her yesterday, 'No no no my mind cant be going already, can it?' the thought only mad her want to cry more.
Fluttershy was beginning to get worried 'Oh no, could this be my fault she's acting like this?' she thought to herself, she then put Rainbow over her shoulder and started pouncing her. "Aww it's okay, it's okay, I'm sorry, it's not that bad, okay, stop crying." she said in a motherly tone, she didn't want to talk down to her but she had to try something.
Rainbow's crying went down to a small sniffle "B-but I wet mysewf." she said with a quiver
Fluttershy thought for a minute, "So what? You're Rainbow Dash, there's nothing that bothers you and besides you're a baby right now, so I don't think you really have any control it's not you fault." she replied. Rainbow's sniffling finally stop and she smiled a little "Thanks Fwuttewshy, I feel better now." she said Fluttershy then put Rainbow back down on the bed, "Alright let's get that diaper off and then we can get you something to eat." she said, Rainbow nodded then Fluttershy left the room for a few seconds then came back with a clean diaper, baby wipes and powder, "Okay are you ready?" she asked Rainbow.
She rubbed the back of her head, "Umm, I guess." she said nervously, she wasn't all to keen on Fluttershy changing her diaper, in fact she didn't think she would be a baby long enough for her to even have to but it was there and it was starting to get uncomfortable.
Fluttershy began undoing the taps on her diaper and removing it, she threw it into the trash can in her room. Grabbing the baby wipes she lifted Rainbow's legs and wiped her rear until her coat was clean from the yellow liquid 'Boy is she wet.' she thought to herself, she then got the powder and put it in the new diaper, after that she pulled the diaper under dash and pinned it on "There all done." she proclaimed. Dash sat up and shifted to feel her new diaper, she smiled, suddenly her stomach started growling again, she blushed "Umm, Fwuttershy thanks for changing me but could you get me something to eat pwease?" Fluttershy giggled. "Okay Rainbow, I'll go get you something to eat." she said then went back downstairs to get her something. When she left, Angel jumped into the room and onto the bed with Rainbow, rubbing his eyes just waking up from his sleep "Hey Dash, what was all that noise I heard up here?" he asked Rainbow blushed again "Umm... I was crying over a wet diapie." she replied a little embarrassed.
The last of Angel's sleep disappeared and he looked at Rainbow surprised then his look became one of concern. "Well,I would watch the emotions if I was you, that's exactly what happened to my cousin when his mind started going," he warned 'although it shouldn't be going this fast if she got a bigger dose of the poison joke than my cousin...' he thought to himself before he shook his head. "Uhh Angew awe you Okay?" Dash asked worried, for some reason the rabbit went quiet and bowed his head down. Angel looked back up to the foal "Oh what? Oh sorry, I got distracted, well if your okay I'll just go back downstairs and wake up Tank, okay." before she could reply angel jumped of the bed and left for the living room were tank slept. Fluttershy was now back with a bottle full of milk, when she saw Angel leap pass her she and go downstairs she just shrugged and went over to Rainbow. "Okay Dash,here you go. she said sitting down on the bed and showing Dash the bottle. Dash looked up at Fluttershy with a scowl "Weally this is what you bring me, A BOTTWE OF MIWK!?!" she yelled getting really angry.
Fluttershy sighed she knew this wasn't going to be easy. "Look Rainbow, I can't give you real food for two reasons, one: you're a foal and foals can only drink milk and two: you don't even have teeth." she said flatly.
Rainbow crossed her arms and pouted again. "I dun want to." she protested. "Oooh please Rainbow, just a little bit besides I know your hungry." she pleaded, Rainbow's stomach growled again, she knew if she didn't feed her a normal foals diet she would starve and she also has to make sure she can keep the milk down so she doesn't have to go with 'plan N'.
Rainbow looked down 'Darn it, she's right I am hungry,' she thought to herself and sighed "Okay, give me the stuwpid bottwe." Fluttershy smiled and handed the bottle to Rainbow deciding to let her try to feed herself, that decision was then thought over again as she watched Dash struggle and fail to hold the bottle up to her lips, she rolled her eyes and scooted over to Dash and then scooping her up back in her hooves she took the bottle away. She was about to protest until Fluttershy stuck the nibble in her mouth, deciding to complain later she started to suckle, the milk tasted okay but then as soon as it went down it started to come back up, quickly pushing the nibble out she spewed out all the milk.
Fluttershy was now scared "Oh no, I was afraid of this!" she said then grabbing a tissue from the box next to her bed, she clean up Rainbow's face.
Once she was clean Rainbow then looked back up a her "Wait, what are you talking about?" she asked worried about her reaction to her throwing up. Fluttershy flinched she had said to much "Umm well...Rainbow do you old you are?" she asked deciding she could not hold the truth any longer, she had already taken the potion before coming back upstairs but she had hoped she wouldn't have to do it. Rainbow just shrugged "I don't know one year old?" she answered
Fluttershy shook her head "No Rainbow you're...only three months." she said Rainbows jaw dropped "Th-three m-months," she stuttered Fluttershy nodded "but if I'm that old then." her eye grew wide she looked Fluttershy in the eyes "Fwutterwshy what do three month old foals dwink?" she asked a little scared of the answer.
Fluttershy blushed "Well....."

Author's Note:

Okay everpony there's another chapter with a cliff hanger I hope you like it and if you don't, screw you I worked hard sorry if its a bit long got carried away well later days

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