A day in the town

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Fluttershy was trotting through the streets of Ponyville with Rainbow in the foal carrier who kicking her hooves and fussing. "Fwuttewshy why do I have to come? Can't I stay back at the cottage with Angew?" she asked.

Fluttershy shook her head "No, I need you as proof, if I just went and told them that you turned into a baby they would think I'm as crazy as Pinkie Pie." she replied.

Rainbow Dash crossed her arms and pouted.

They decided to go to Sugar Cube Corner to see if their friends were there.


When they arrived they saw all there friends, at a table at the end of the store, Applejack, Rarity, Pinkie Pie and Twilight Sparkle and next to Twilight was a baby stroller.

When Fluttershy got to the table she was warmly greeted by all her friends "Hey Girls." she said.

"Howdy Sugar Cube, what's with the foal carrier you got a little filly with you or something?" Applejack asked.

"Oh well sorta, I'll show you but you all have to promise you won't laugh." she said everyone just shrugged and they all promised to not laugh. Then Fluttershy turned for everypony to see Rainbow Dash hang from the foal carrier.

Rainbow rubbed the back of her head and had a sheepish smile. "Umm, hey girws." she said, everpony's jaw had dropped so low they could have hit the table, Pinkie's did hit the table.

When everypony recovered from the shock, they all gather around Fluttershy and asked alot questions.

Fluttershy told them what happen to her and Rainbow Dash, from yesterday to now, of course she left out the nursing part when she finished. Everypony was worried for Dashie.

Except Pinkie who was just pouncing. "Don't worry Dashie, you'll probably change back soon. But until then we can all enjoy how much of a cutie pie you are." she cooed.

"I agree darling you can even help me with a new fashion line I'm making for small foals." Rarity said, her fashion senses kicking in.

Rainbow blushed "Thanks girls but I don't plan on being this way for long." she said hoping Rarity would drop the dress up plan, she wasn't about to be turned into a doll

Twilight giggled at how her friends are acting then she had her own idea. "Hey, maybe you would like a playmate," she then went over to her stroller when she came back she was holding a grumpy looking foal her coat was blue and her mane was silver, "say hello to Dash, Trixie."

Trixie took one look at dash and laughed "Ha, ha what happened Wainbow Cwash, you messed up again?" she teased.

Twilight looked at her with a scowl. "What did I say about manners Trixie?" she said.

Trixie just crossed her arms and mumbled.

Rainbow crossed her arms too "I never want her as a pwaymate," she said flatly.

Twilight giggled. She looked at Fluttershy. "I would you like me to try to make a cure for Rainbow Dash?" she asked.

Rainbow dash looked up at Twilight with a big smile, "Weally Twiwight, you can change me back?" she asked kicking her hooves excited.

"Well maybe, I'll have to get a sample of this red poison joke you described first, I'll start on it as soon as possible but until then," she paused to poke Rainbows belly with a free hoof, Rainbow couldn't help but to giggle at sudden the pressure to her chubby belly. "I wouldn't mind having a little fun with this first." she said with a sinister grin.

"Yeah and I have the perfect most amazing idea." Pinkie said with her own big grin across her face, she then whispered something into Fluttershy and Twilight's ears so they can hear but Rainbow and Trixie can't.

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