Good news

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The next morning their was a little fight between Rainbow and Lightning Dust.

"You twied to wipe my mind to mush you stupid head!" Rainbow yelled.

"And failed....kinda." Lightning retorted with a smirk.

"What are you saying?"

"What do you think dumey face!"

"That's it!!" Rainbow yelled and jumped on top of Lightning ready to pound her face until she felt herself being picked up by familiar hooves, she looked up to see Fluttershy, "Mommy put me down!" she complained, Fluttershy shook her head, "No Rainbow you cant be fighting with Lightning." she said sternly.

Rainbow Looked down at Lightning who poked her tongue at her then she looked back at Fluttershy and pouted, "But its tanks to her that I gonna have ta gwow up again." she protested.

"And she does too," Fluttershy retorted, "You'll both going to have to grow up again 'together' and get over your deferences do I make my self clear," she said sternly then saw that Lightning still had a smug look, "I said, do I make myself clear." she didn't like being assertive especially not ever sense last time but when your a single mother with two foals you gotta do what ya gottta do.

Lightning flinched at being talked down to by Flutters but knew she had no choice and nodded in agreement, she didn't want to be here but with the options she had now she was going to have to make do.

Fluttershy smiled then put Rainbow back down next to Lightning, once she was back down on the ground Rainbow crossed her arms and continued to pout, Lightning raised a brow, "You know I never could undewstand why Spitfiwe choose you instead of me?" she said.

"You almost killed my fwiends." Rainbow retorted

"Wait they were in dangew?" Lightning said pretending she didn't know, "Yeah are you stupid!" Rainbow yelled getting mad again.

"They were in danger in the...defined genewal awea?"

"Yeah! wait, wait!"

"W-were they..." Lightning said starting to laugh at her cunning.

I swear to Celestia! I will destroy you if you finish that sentence!"

"Where They entering....The Danger Zone."

Rainbow snapped and once again jumped on top of Lightning and started pounding her, the punches didn't hurt much and hardly did any damage but it was hard enough to make Lightning cry and once again Fluttershy picked up the fussing foals and she sighed, "What am I going to do with you girls." she giggled then kissed both of them on the forehead.

Both of witch started to wiping their heads of the spot where they were kissed, suddenly their was a nock at the door, Fluttershy went over to the door and opened it, when Rainbow and Lightning saw who it was at the door they instantly wanted to go back inside and hide under Fluttershy's bed.

Right at there door step was Spitfire Captain of the Wonderbolts and Soarin her Co-Captain.

"Ohmygoshmygoshmygoshohmygosh!" both foals gasped in unison, Spitfire and Soarin looked at the foals strangly then at the mare, "Excuse me but are you Fluttershy?" Soarin asked and the mare nodded, "We were told by Twilight Sparkle that we can get some answers here about the disappearance of one of our recruits Rainbow Dash?" Spitfire asked.

Rainbow's excitement instantly disappeared into fear and she looked up at Fluttershy who already knew what she was thinking and shook her head she had to tell the truth, she then looked back at her visiter's "Yes I can tell you what happened to Rainbow." she said and invited them in.


Fluttershy explained what happened to Dash and Dust to the Wonderbolt captains, when she was done with her story the two looked at the foals on the coach who both had sheepish expression and was rubbing the back of their heads, "So Rainbow and Lightning our now foals and are being cared by you?" Spitfire asked, Fluttershy nodded nervously.

"Well I just have one thing to say," she said coming up to the foals with a serious face, she leaned down to be face to face with Rainbow and Lightning, they were both nervous and a little scared at the towering mare, "That...YOU ARE THE MOST ADORABLE THINGS I EVER SEEN!!" she yelled then scooped both the foals up into a hug and squee'd.

"Wait your not mad?" Rainbow asked, Spitfire shook her head, "No a bit freaked out but your both so cute I don't care," she said happily then looked at Soarin, "isn't that right Soar." Soarin nodded in agreement, Fluttershy smiled happy to know that they weren't in any trouble then thought, "So what happens now, there to young to be with the Wonderbolts now?" she asked.

Rainbow could feel her heartache at those words she didn't want to wait again to join the Wonderbolts she looked up at Spitfire who was tapping a hoof to her chin, "Hmm, Oh I know," she said then putting the foals back on the coach she went over to Soarin, "Soarin, aren't we thinking of having a mascot for the Wonderbolts?" she asked.

Soarin nodded, "Yes we've been talking about it, what are you thinking?" he asked curiously, Spitfire grew a smile that would make Pinkie Jealous, "I'm thinking we make these two Mascots and have the cutest cheering squad ever." she proclaim.

Both Rainbow and Lightning's smile grew to match Spitfire's "Really!" they both said in unison and Spitfire nodded then they both started screaming in excited, Soarin smiled too he always thought Spitfire came up with the best ideas and that was the reason she was Captain, that and other reason.

Spitfire watched as the foals started to fly around the room she was kinda surprised they could still fly but laughed at how cute they were and looked at Soarin again, "Aren't they cute?" she asked, "Makes you think about somethings riiight Soarin." she looked at Soarin seductively.

Soarin started to shift his gaze nervously, "Nope." he said flatly, Spitfire raised a brow but kept the seductive look, "Are you sure.", "Well Mr.shy I think its time we left good-bye." Soarin said then quickly let himself out the door.

"Soarin you get back here!" Spitfire said then left out the door in pursuit of her partner, Rainbow hadn't noticed any of this going on she was just thinking about Spitfire's offer of being a mascot, sure she'll probably wont get to do any stunts like the Wonderbolts but its something.

Fluttershy smiled, she was happy for Dash then she felt something grab her leg and she looked down to see Rainbow, Rainbow looked up at Fluttershy and motioned her hooves up to be hugged, Fluttershy gladly assisted and pick Rainbow up into a hug.

Lightning just sat and watched as they hugged it out not in the mood for hugs but Fluttershy wasn't going to let that slid and picked her up too bringing her into the embrace.

Rainbow felt happy, her life may have been chaged but she was still Rainbow and she was going to be a Wonderbolt kinda, she had a sister rather she liked it or not and most of all she had a mother again, Fluttershy and she knew to her she'll always be Her Little Rainbow.

Author's Note:

So Guys this was the last chapter of 'Her little Rainbow
Hope you enjoyed this book well I'm gonna start a new book today or tomorrow but I don't know what story to write so stay tuned.

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