New role in life

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The next morning, Lightning Dust woke up and she felt groggy, she had a dream that she got her revenge but then was turned into a baby like Rainbow, she opened her eyes and saw butter colored feathers.

"Huh?" she said confused she stirred around a little to try and see past the feathers, she suddenly felt something soft and comfortable against her flank, she looked down at her bottom to see she was in a diaper, 'Okay, I'm starting to think that wasn't a dream!' she thought to herself beginning panick.

Suddenly the feathers around her started to move out of the way and she could see everything around her now, she could see that she was in a room, a room she's only seen while spying on Dash, "Oh good morning Lightning Dust." Lightning looked up at the speaker to see it was Fluttershy, "Fwuttewshy!" Lightning said then she winced when she heard her new voice.

"What wong with my voice?" Lightning asked, Fluttershy giggled at her new speech, "Did you forget what happened last night?" then flashes of what happen last night flashed before Lightning's eyes, "I'm a baby!" she yelled.

Fluttershy nodded then suddenly their was crying on her other side "Aww looks like little Rainbow is up." she said then turning onto her other she picked up the crying Rainbow who then stopped crying and started cooing happy to be noticed, "How long have you been awake." Fluttershy cooed talking like Rainbow could still talk, but she knew better.

"I don't understand, what happened after you changed me into a baby." Lightning asked, Fluttershy explained what Twilight said to her last night while bouncing Rainbow over her shoulder, when she was done Lightning lowered her head, "I have to gwow up again." she whimpered sadly, Fluttershy nodded, "Yes and I'm going to take care of you and Rainbow." she said.

Lightning then looked up at Fluttershy angrily, "And who said I wanted somepony to watch me, especially not by the pony who did this to me." she protest.

Fluttershy was now the one getting angry, "Don't forget Dusty your the one who did this to Dash," she retorted, "so its just poetic justice that you share the same fate." Lightning tried to complain but she couldn't think of anything, all she could think of doing right now was cry and that what she did, "I dun wanna be a babe!" she yelled.

Then Fluttershy scooped her up into her other arm, "Aww its okay, Twilight said I only gave you enough of that milk you'll stay a baby and would have to grow up again with Rainbow but you'll be able to keep your mind." she cooed trying to coax Lightning too stop crying.

Lightning's crying went down to a sniffle, "I don't want to go through my past again." she said, Fluttershy looked at her curiously, "What are you talking about," she asked, Lightning went quiet, "well what ever it is, you don't have to relive your past you can live a better one with me and maybe someday you can talk about it." she said.

Then Rainbow started to whimper, Fluttershy looked at Rainbow "Is somepony hungry?" she asked, then Rainbow started looking at her with her big magenta eyes filled with desire to answer, Fluttershy giggled, "I guess that's a yes than." she said then putting both foals back onto the bed she rolled over to her side revealing her chest.

Rainbow quickly crawled over to one of her teats and clamped on beginning to nurse, Lightning was freaking out in her head from watching Rainbow nurse and then she thought that she would have to nurse to sense they were probably the same age and that scared her more.

Fluttershy looked at the petrified and knew if she was going to take care of her she was going to first have to feed her, "Aren't you hungry Dusty?" she asked, Lightning was about to say no until her now pudgy stomach started to growl and she blushed, Fluttershy giggled and was about to grab her until, "No I dun't want to dwink bweast milk." Lightning complained.

Her little RainbowWhere stories live. Discover now