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The next morning.

Fluttershy yawned waking from her restful sleep. She looked down to her side to see a snoozing Rainbow under her wing, she giggled and leaned over her, "Rainbow it's time to wake up." she said in a motherly tone.

Rainbow slowly opened her eyes and yawned cutely she looked up to Fluttershy. "Good morning Mommy." she said happily, ever since their agreement Rainbow's been calling her that, it felt weird at first but now it felt right.

Fluttershy nuzzled Rainbow's cheek. They were both happy at the moment. They knew sooner or later the Red poison joke would wear off and Rainbow would change back soon, but until then they would enjoy the embrace of being mother and child.

Suddenly Rainbows stomach started to growl and she blushed.

Fluttershy giggled again. "I guess somepony's hungry." she said.

Rainbow nodded in agreement. "I kinda feel wet too." she replied.

Fluttershy only continued to giggle.


After having changed and fed Rainbow, Fluttershy sat down on the bed and talked about the life they had and all there adventures they ever went on.

Talking about their adventures always made Dash happy, they were great stories and they always made her look awesome, the memories they had and the battles they went through were great but now that she was a baby was really she that Rainbow Dash anymore?

Rainbow thought about this for a moment and when she couldn't find the answer she looked to Fluttershy. "Mommy?" she said.

Fluttershy looked at Rainbow. "Yes, Rainbow?"

"Do you really think I'll change back soon? I've been like this for a while now." she asked with worry in her voice.

Fluttershy leaned over to get closer to be face to face with Rainbow. "Well of course you will, I know you will." she said and kissed Rainbow on the cheek.

Rainbow started rubbing her smooched cheek like it would get ride of what's been done.

Fluttershy giggled. "You're still Rainbow after all."

When she was done rubbing the kiss off she looked back up at Fluttershy, smiled and nuzzled into her chest and she returned the nuzzle, they where in the embrace until a certain white rabbit hopped in.

Angel started to make signs for Fluttershy's attention.

Fluttershy looked from Rainbow to Angel. "What is it Angel." she asked

Angel made a whole bunch of language signs but just couldn't put his point across until Rainbow came in and said. "What Harry the bear's head is stuck in another honey pot?"

Fluttershy looked down at Rainbow then at Angel. "Is it true?" she asked.

Angel nodded and she sighed. "This is the third time this month." Fluttershy complained then looked at Rainbow. "I'm gonna have to leave you here while I go and take care of this, can I trust you'll be good and don't destroy the house?" she asked.

Rainbow smirked, "Okay, but no promises." she said slyly.

Fluttershy giggled and kissed her again.


Fluttershy got her saddle bags and headed out to Harry's.

When she was gone, Rainbow was talking to Angel and Tank who were left to take care of her. "Sooo, what do you guys want to do." she asked.

Angel and Tank looked at each other slyly and then at Rainbow. "Pillow fight!" they said in unison, flying onto the coach they grabbed the first pillow to come to paw and ganged up on Rainbow.

Rainbow was giggling from the soft pounding she was getting. "Hey n-no fair." she said as she flutterred her wings to escape her torturers and grabbed a pillow of her own and the Pillow Wars started.


Just outside the living room window, Lightning was preparing to strike, while wearing a ski mask.

She had waited until Fluttershy left the house to go help the bear she had thrown a pot on of honey on to sneek into the house and take Rainbow. "Okay Rainbow Dash, here I come!" she said then backing away from the window she ran and crashed right through.

Rainbow and her friends looked to see the intruder, and Rainbow screamed before being grabbed by the kidnapper.

Working quickly, Angel got under the couch and when he came back out he was holding a mace and screamed his battle cry for battle and jumped at Lightning.

Lightning dropped the foal to avoid being hit by the mace, the rabbit kept swinging at her until she grabbed the lamp and through it at him.

Angel quickly parried the lamp with his mace and charged at the intruder again but was stopped in his tracks by a baseball bat.

Lightning had brought a bat just in case Fluttershy came back and had decided to us it on the rabbit, when he went limp she look around to find Rainbow, suddenly she started to hear a clipping sound, she looked to her left to be met by a flying turtle. (Editor: Tortoise!!)

Tank flew right towards her head crashing his thick shell against it.

Lightning could feel her head split into a headache, she looked at the turtle to see him come back for more but she was going to be ready this time, getting up she positioned her bat and swung at the flying turtle hitting him square in his side.

Flying to the other side of the room Tank crash into the wall breaking his helicopter hat and falling to the ground shell side up unable to get back to his feet.

When she was done with them, Lightning returned to her search for her target, she went upstairs and looked around the room, she didn't see her and was about to leave until suddenly she heard a sneeze come from under the bed and she smirk.

She went over to the bed and looked under it to see Rainbow with an angry scowl but was shivering in fear.

"You bettew weave me awone." Rainbow said trying to be brave.

Lighting only smiled more evilly and grabbed Rainbow.


Fluttershy was now home and was about to walk through the door. "Wow Harry's head sure was stuck this time." she opened the door, but the sight that greeted her wasn't good.

The living room was wrecked, the tables and couch were tossed over and there were broken items everywhere, she looked around for any sighs for Rainbow and the others, she kept looking until she found Angel trying to get Tank of his back. "Angel!" she yelled worried, "Where's Rainbow Dash!!"

Angel looked up at Fluttershy surprised, his ears dropped, he turned to Fluttershy and shook his head and started to cry.

Fluttershy gasped. "She was taken." she said with a heavy heart and started crying herself, she had left Rainbow alone she had failed to protect her... She was heart broken, sad and miserable, she had failed the most important pony in her life.

Then a different feeling started to creep out from the bottom of her heart, a feeling she hasn't felt since the Grand Galloping Gala.


"Who ever did this, IS GONNA WISH THEY WERE DEAD!!" she yelled through the house then looking at Angel. "Angel do you know were she went?" she asked.

Angel nodded, he had put sent some near by birds on Lightning and they had came back earlier with directions on were she is hiding.

"Okay, let's get this son of a bitch!!"

Author's Note:

Okay there's another chapter and boy is Flutters pissed I think she's going to feed Lightning to a Badger.

editor's notes:

Just out side the living room window, Lightning was preparing to strike, while wearing a ski mask.

Please tell me that that pun was intentional.

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