'Plan N'

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Rainbow couldn't believe what she just heard, Fluttershy just explained what Zecora said to her and what she needed to do to keep Rainbow healthy, she also told her about the potion and that she already took it. Rainbow just sat there and looked at her best friend with a shocked expression on her face, eyes wide open and her jaw dropped, it took what felt like hours before she responded.
"No, No, NOOOOO! Fwuttewshy pwease don't b-b-bweast feed me!" she pleaded praying to Celestia that Fluttershy would reconsider. Fluttershy shook her head, "No Rainbow, this is the only way for you to be able to eat and not throw up everywhere." she said flatly.
Rainbow was starting to panic, she was going to be fed like a new born foal and she knew Fluttershy would succeed because she surely didn't have the strength to fight back, thinking quickly she tried to think of a reason to stop this madness, "Fwuttewshy wait, couldn't we twy the bottle again pwease?" she pleaded with big puppy eyes. Fluttershy shook her head again. "No, you already tried three times and every single time you just threw it up." she said Looking at the three tissues she used to clean her up in the trash can. "and besides I'm getting tired of cleaning you up." Rainbow was getting mad now, "No! Not in Tartarus no!" she yelled then rolled over onto her belly and started rapidly flutter her tiny wings. Fluttershy sighed "Dash you know as well as I do that those wings aren't gonna take you-" she was cut off, when she saw Rainbow Dash start to hover...fast "Hey wait a minute!" she yelled. But Dash didn't listen, instead taking this opportunity she took to the air and raced downstairs. Fluttershy watched were she saw Rainbow exit for a minute in disbelief, then she shook her head. "RAINBOW DASH! get back here." she yelled and took of downstairs after the foal.


Downstairs Angel and Tank were sitting on the couch watching the chaos unfold before their eyes, Rainbow Dash would zoom right past them and into the kitchen with Fluttershy high on her tail and they would come back and zoom back upstairs, the pattern went on what felt like hours.
Tank looked at Angel. "Shouldn't we do something?" he asked Angel shook his head. "Nahh, whatever the problem is they can handle it themselves, my dad always said to 'stay out of female trouble as much as possible' and besides I'm sure it's not that serious." he said then sat back and watched as the two fly around like mad ponies. Tank looked back at the mare and foal flying around in a epic chase, he just shrugged and laid back down with his old friend to watch the carnage.
Rainbow flew as fast as her wings could carry her but she knew she couldn't fly like this for much longer, her wings were so small now and her own body being weaker she would have to stop and rest, but if she does then Fluttershy will get her, she shook her head. 'No I wont let her get me, I'm Rainbow Dash, nopony can catch me.I just have to find a exit.' she thought to herself.
While Rainbow Dash was thinking to herself,Fluttershy was thinking her own thoughts.'Oh no, I have to catch her,I know she doesn't want to, hey I don't either but if she doesn't get something in her belly she may let herself starve, I can't let that happen no matter what I have to keep her safe, even if I have to force her to eat.' She started going faster to end it. Rainbow looked back to see Fluttershy catching up. "Oh no!" she yelled, she started looking around franticly for a way out, right in front of her she found a open window, she smiled and put her wings in full gear. "Finally, almost there." she said excited she was now just inches from freedom "YEAH!" she screamed in triumph. Suddenly there was a tug on her tail and her wings went stiff she started falling but stopped by whatever was holding her tail, she looked up to see Fluttershy with the end of her tail with said tail in her mouth, in response Dash started screaming. Fluttershy just ignored her and made her way back up stairs with the foal by her tail. Tank and Angel watched as Fluttershy took Rainbow back upstairs, Angel grew a smirk and looked at the tortoise. "Ha pay up pal." he said. Tank sigh and went in to his shell seconds later he popped back out with a carrot in his mouth and handed it to Angel. Angel took the carrot and placed it in his mouth like a cigar and leaned back.


Back upstairs, Fluttershy put the still crying Rainbow on the bed and locked the door to her bed room so she can't escape again. She got on top of the bed and laid right next to Rainbow, she tried to crawl away but then was pulled back by Fluttershy hooves, she looked back up at Fluttershy with big puppy eyes.
"Pwease, Fwuttewshy don't." she pleaded. Fluttershy shook her head again "I'm doing this for your own good Dashie," she said in a worried tone "besides do you really want to starve to death or get sick?" "But that won't happen!" she protested.
Fluttershy face grew serious. "But what if it does?" Rainbows flinched, Fluttershy sighed. "I'm just trying to look out for you Dashie." She said then nuzzled the top of Dash's head, "If you were to starve or get sick from the formula, how do you think I would feel about that?" she asked. Rainbow winced, she knew better than anypony else that Fluttershy was very sensitive and if she was to get sick or worse she would blame herself and do something rash, Rainbow sighed "Okay I-I'll do it." she said. Fluttershy pulled Dash to the side of her belly and rolled over on her side revealing her two 'treasures' she pushed Rainbow up to her belly and waited for her to start. Rainbow gulped and looked at the two nibbles, she breathed and closing her eyes she quickly latched on too a teat causing a squirt of milk to enter her mouth, her eyes flew open, the milk tasted...good...really good, before she even knew it she started to steadily suckle Fluttershy's teat. 'This isn't so bad,' she thought to herself. 'it almost feels....' she shook her head of the thought before it could finish. Fluttershy was surprised at how calm Rainbow got when she started suckling but then just shrugged and laid down and waited for her to finish feeding. It felt weird for Fluttershy to be nursing her best friend....but at the same time it also felt natural, that made Fluttershy shake her head 'No that isn't normal, it's weird and you and Rainbow should never speak of this again.' she thought to herself. It took Fifteen minutes before Dash got full of Fluttershy's milk, when she was done she sat up and watched as Fluttershy got up too, the two just sat there for what seemed like hours, until Fluttershy asked "Umm so how was it....being nursed? Rainbow blushed. "Umm, it was ok, but I don't think I could get used to it." she replied, even though a part of her mind is saying other wise. Fluttershy sighed in relief. "But you could do it for a while can you?" she asked, so she doesn't have to worry about Dash running away from her when it's feeding time again if this thing doesn't were off by then. She nodded "I guess so, but I onwy do it until I'm big again then we never speak of this again." she said. Fluttershy giggled. "Okay, deal." she replied, then something came to mind. "Now there's only one left thing to do." she said jumping of the bed. Rainbow looked at her curious "What do we have to do now." she asked
Fluttershy looked back at Rainbow dash with a smile. "We're going to tell the other girls about your condition." she replied Rainbow's eyes grew so wide they could have popped out of her head, today is gonna be a long day.

Author's Note:

Hey another chapter I'm awesome  well I hope you like it as much as I do and if you don't, oh well that's your opinion.

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