06: Do You Care?

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"A week?" I chuckled humorously, shaking my head. "I wish it had been forever."


I spun around quickly, unable to look into her eyes full of dreaded pity.

Those eyes of pity are what I hated the most.

"You know I will start snapping at you if you give me that look again, I suggest you leave before I make you cry again."

"You are not that bad.. Why do you keep shutting people out when they try to help you?" She blurted out unconsciously.

I closed my eyes, not wanting to answer her question. It is a sensitive topic to me.

"The Alpha has explicitly stated that I shouldn't talk to you, Miss Franklin. You shouldn't be here in an Omega's room." I quickly said, changing the topic immediately.

"But, Hasley.."

"Out you go." I chuckled, pushing her out of the room before closing the door.

Turning my heels back to my bathroom, I changed into a shirt and shorts and washed the dried blood on my wrist where scars slowly formed.

What an irony. To think that Lily would care so much about me. Even my own sister doesn't, why would she?

I sighed, getting out of the bathroom as I entered the room.

A scent hit me as I snapped my head up immediately.

My wolf yipped in glee as she could feel the presence of her mate.

There stood my mate who was staring at me, his eyes flickering with hurt as they went down to the scars on my wrists and my palms.

We stood there in awkward silence, neither of us saying something to break the ice.

"When have you been hurting yourself?" He asked, knots forming in my stomach upon his question.

I parted my lips to speak, "Recently."

"Why?" He growled, not liking the fact that I was hurting myself.

Does he care?

I chuckled, not an ounce of humor in my voice. "My life is a joke, I wish I can die right now."

His brows creased immediately upon my answer. "Don't say that, Hasley.."

My wolf purred as my name rolled out of his tongue oh so perfectly.

"Why do you even care? You did not even acknowledge me as your mate when we first met." I whispered, my heart breaking into pieces.

I shouldn't have expected so much out of my mate. He would never accept my past and who I am.


"Cat got your tongue, huh?" I chuckled lightly, shaking my head at the reality.

"Let's just face it, you don't want to have me as your mate, isn't it? You're embarrassed, right?"

Silence engulfed us. Instantly, I knew my answer.

"Has-" I cut him off with my finger pointed to the door. "Please get out of my room, Alpha. From now onwards, please refrain from talking to me. I'm just a lowly Omega."

I bowed in respect, listening to the sounds of his footsteps as it faded slowly.

Tears slipped down my cheeks, my wolf was crying inside of me as she was dying to go for a run.

In split seconds, I shifted into my white coated wolf. Allowing her to take control, she jumped out of the window and landed on the ground.

Paws hit the grass as she headed in the direction of the forests.

I laid against the dimension and watched from her eyes where she was headed to.

Trees flew past us in a blur before I finally caught a glimpse of where we were going.

This time, we were on the roads as she continued to run like a mad dog.

After miles of running, we finally reached the graveyard where my mother was buried.

I shifted back to my human form, walking towards my mother's grave, not bothered by my nudity at this moment.

I kneeled down next to her grave, my hands holding onto the grass patch where she was buried underneath.

"Mom." Tears slipped down my cheeks, my heart burning at the pain.

Even though my mate did not reject me, but I knew that he doesn't want me.

He wasn't the caring, understanding mate that my mom would always describe to me when I sat on her laps.

The truth is, he cared more about himself than me. He finds me a disgrace if he acknowledge me as his mate.

"What should I do now, mom?" I whispered, wanting her to hold me in her arms at this moment and kiss my temple while comforting me.

"My child, endure. You will get your happiness very soon." A voice carried along with the wind.

It was my mother's voice. She has conveyed her words to me, probably watching over me in the heavens.

For the first time, I found myself smiling as I missed her voice. I miss my mom who would wake me up in the morning for school. I miss my mom who would scold me for doing something wrong. I miss my mom who would confront the child who bullied me in school.

I miss her so much that it hurts.


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25 May'18

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