14: Desperate To Kill Me

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A/N _ My apologies for coming back after 2 years, but I'm back to complete this book left untouched. Thank you for everyone who had read this book so far~

I laid down on the hospital bed, my eyes staring at the television before me as I binge-watched my favorite cartoon show, Tom and Jerry.

I used to love watching this animated cartoon show when I was young, they were always entertaining to watch.

Soon after the incident, I didn't have the privilege of having a television in my room so I could only busy myself with chores to kill the time.

That's how drastically my life has changed ever since.

My fists clenched tightly at the thought of my sister sending an assassin to kill me.

She must be out of her mind.

"Look at my dearest sister, still alive and well, huh?" Sarcasm dripped on every word.

"Came to finish your job, Hailee?" I asked boredly, my eyes flickered over to her.

Her eyes widened, fear emitting from her. She was struggling with herself, I could see.

She was turning into a monster, constantly plotting against me. Perhaps, her main goal is to kill me with her hands someday.

For all she have done, was it worth it? To kill her own blood sister.

"Watch what you say, loser. You should be the one deserving to go through all of these, not me!" She screamed anxiously, her body working up as though she was mentally unstable.

Deciding to question her, I went along with her. "And why is that so?"

"You were always the one getting the love from mom and dad, you were always treated better than me. When you want something, they would give it to you. But I had to work so hard even though I was also their child!"

Her glares grew stronger and stronger as they pierced through my soul. She was hurting because of the favoritism, how could this be?

"So you got what you wanted, isn't it?" I taunted, cautiously choosing my words.

"I thought I did, but dad would never stop asking about you even though he had disowned you! Just your mere presence stands out more than me, and I am forever being shadowed. Even as you have been demoted, crushed under my feet, you still managed to find an Alpha mate and live a better life than me." My eyes widened at her words, dad still cared about me, that was why she hated me so much.

If I was dead, she would have gotten what she have always wanted.

I noticed her fists were clenched tightly while her body shook vigorously.

Something shiny sparkled from behind her as I realised she was going to end me for good.

She wrapped her hands around my throat tightly, pulling out a blade as I had expected.

"Why didn't you die that night? Why did you have to make me do this?" She asked, torn by her decision to end my life.

"Kill me, Hailee. End my life for good and you won't ever see me again." My eyes stared into hers, masking all of my emotions as I pushed down my wolf who was too weak to fight back.

The only person I am going to miss is my mate, and I hope the Moon Goddess will watch over him and find him a better mate who will love him and cherish him more than I did.

I closed my eyes and relaxed my body, allowing her to finish it.

Just when I thought she was going to end my life, the sound of metal hit the ground.

I opened my eyes to see Lily gripping onto her wrist.

"What are you doing?" She demanded, pushing her onto the ground as Hailee stared down at the blade in fright.

Her intentions had been exposed and she would never be able to restore her innocent image again.

Her eyes flickered over to the blade resting on the ground and glared at Hailee accusingly.

"You tried to kill my brother's mate, the Luna? How dare you!" Her face turned into an expression that no one should mess with as I let her take over.

"Guards, lock her up!" She ordered, footsteps rushing into the room as they pulled Hailee out of the room.

"Are you okay, Hasley? I'm sorry, I should have came earlier." She began to tear in front of me while all I did was to squeeze her hand.

"It's alright, Lily. It's over now." I sighed, staring at the retreating figure of my sister I had once tried to protect.

It was my fault that she had turned into who she is today.

I will never be able to forgive myself..


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17 Feb'21

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