10: Beta's Daughter

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A/N _ Emma Watson as Lily Franklin

Slipping on my shirt, I walked out of my bathroom and pulled down the dry clothes as I folded and stacked them to the side.

I slipped onto a pair of old loafers which my father had gotten me on my 18th birthday.

It was the only thing that I own after getting kicked out of my old room on the last floor of the pack house.

When I moved into this shabby room on the first floor, I only packed a few sets of simple clothes with me along with this pair of loafers.

Ever since then, I have been wearing them repeatedy as I was too poor to buy new clothes.

My monthly wage was too low to cover for my expenses, needless to say, I couldn't afford to get new sets of clothes unless I have a rich mate where I could get out of this life in an instant.

It may work for some of the Omegas in this pack, but that definitely doesn't work for me.

I don't intend to let my mate enter my life and give him the chance to betray me just like anyone else.

I would rather be alone.

Maybe, we just can't work things out. He would have to find someone better to cherish him.

And the choice that he has given, it shouldn't be given to someone lowly like me.

I am nothing.

My footsteps glided across the marble floor as I made my way down to the wine cellar.

I have not been reporting to work and chances are Ms. Stark is going to have me grounded and work overnight shift to punish me.

I opened the door and stepped into the room as everything fell silent.

Walking to the nearest shelf where the clipboard laid, I was about to reach out and grab it when a voice spoke aloud.

"How has things been, Hasley?" I quickly looked up and noticed Ms. Stark scribbling down on a paper on her clipboard.

"I'm sorry for not turning up for work. And I hadn't been responsible enough to let you know." I said, slipping my hands into my pockets.

"Don't be, Miss Franklin came down once and explained to me what had happened to you." Her voice was calm and doesn't have an edge to it which surprised me.

Lily tried to help me?

"According to her, you were stabbed by a member from her pack and has been unconscious for a week. I was expecting you to rest for at least a few weeks, didn't expect you to come down so soon."

Her brows were raised when she eyed me up and down to check that I was alright.

I shrugged, "If I don't come down and work, tongues will start to wag again that I have been getting too lazy."

"That's true, but it won't kill to have a good rest. You sure you are alright to work, Hasley?"

I nodded in response, grabbing the clipboard in my hands as I began to walk around the cellar.

"Oh right one more thing," She paused, turning to look at me with a curious glance.

"Not trying to be busybody, but is it true that you are Alpha Lance's mate?"

Her question struck me as my lips parted slightly, unsure on how I should answer her question.

After what happened yesterday, everyone must be spectulating that I am his mate.

I sighed, "Does it matter, Ms. Stark?"

She thought about it for one minute and shook her head. "No it doesn't, but I know the chances are high because you are the Beta's youngest daughter."

"Used to be." I corrected without hesitation, staring at the ground emotionlessly as memories rushed back again.

I clenched my fists tightly to control myself from being affected at this moment, tears threatening to spill.

"Anyway, it has nothing to do with me. Probably another rumour again." I shrugged, regaining focus as I turned back to my work and continued my tasks.

As I ticked off the checkboxes on the list, I can't help but to let her words seep into my unstable state of mind.

the chances are high because you are the Beta's youngest daughter..

A tear rolled down my cheek without warning, my fingers clinging onto the racks tightly.

I wish I had the power to rewind everything and go back to the past.

I want to go back and be the carefree girl I have ever been, having the love of my mother, my father and my older sister.

She was never like this until my mother died. Something inside of her snapped and I should have noticed it and stopped her before the incident happened.

Now, it has become a mess where I was tangled into one which was created by my blood sister.

And I had been wishing everyday that I could have the power to stop it from happening.

I wouldn't have been who I am today.

I would probably be my father's daughter, meet Lance in a different circumstance and fall in love with him.

It will never happen to me now..


Morning went by in a flash and it is lunchtime now. Ms. Stark has released me to eat for thirty minutes before going back to work.

I stepped out of the cellar and joined other Omegas who silently got a plain bowl of rice each from the kitchen staffs.

On top of the bowl of rice, there was only a piece of tofu for the Omegas to eat.

I grabbed my bowl from the kitchen staff and headed back to the cellar.

Sitting on top of a stool, I picked up the spoon and began to eat.

Halfway through my third bite, I noticed a small piece of scrambled eggs hidden inside the rice.

This is a mistake.

How did the kitchen staff accidentally mix the scrambled eggs meant for the higher rankings into my bowl?

Unless it was someone who put that into my bowl. Maybe, it was a bait and meant to poison me.

I continued to eat my bowl of rice and tofu, leaving the egg aside untouched.

When I was done, I returned to the kitchen to wash my bowl.

I felt a nudge from someone as I looked up.


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19 Nov'18

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