12: What Is Love?

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A voice startled me as I turned around to see him leaning against the wall.

His arms were folded as he relaxed against the wall, his button up sleeves rolled up, exposing his biceps.

I looked into his gorgeous eyes and back to the cat.

"You mean the cat who shares the same name as you?" There was a slightly teasing in my tone before I coughed, trying to cover it up.

His brows pulled into a frown instantly, "Can't believe Lily has told you about that."

"Well, she did. One more thing, where can I find her? I would like to thank her for something she has done for me."

"I didn't know you are capable of saying, 'thank you' since you are always so cold to everyone!" A bubbly voice interrupted our conversation as Lily entered through the front foor.

I slowly pushed myself up with a small smile, "Well, of course I would. Thank you for explaining to my mentor about the incident."

She grinned and hugged me out of nowhere, resulting in my legs stayed rooted to the ground.

"I'm so glad you are okay now, I thought I would lose you because of Wesley! That jerk deserves to be locked up."

My body tensed as I have never had someone hugging me like this ever since my mother died.

A cough interrupted us as I quickly pulled away, feeling incredibly uncomfortable from the hug.

"I'm sorry to interrupt, but do you have any idea who could be the one who ordered Wesley to stab you?" He asked, a frown replacing his gorgeous face.

I raised a brow, "Why do you need to know?"

"Alpha George and myself are currently investigating this matter as we believe it was someone from your pack." His words shocked me as they have decided to investigate the case behind my stab.

For many years since Alpha George's reign, he has always turn a blind eye on such cases.

Unless it was homicide or suicidal cases, he would get someone to investigate on it.

But this time, what made him decide to investigate personally?

"I don't believe he would investigate on this incident personally, Alpha George would have turn a blind eye."

"I am aware of your Alpha's way of reigning the pack. But this is regarding about you, the future Luna of my pack. So, he has offered to investigate in this case along with me." He stated as a matter-of-factly.

My eyes enlarged instantly, "Wait, you told him about us?"

"I have to, since I talked to him about investigating your case. He wanted to know why I was helping you and I had to reveal the fact that you are my mate."

I let out a frustrated sigh, not liking how he was meddling with my affairs.

He didn't even discuss with me before making the decision.

Who the hell does he think he is?

"Drop the case." I stated coldly, my fists clenched tightly in anger.

"What? Why? Have I done something wrong again?"

"You should wash your hands off my business, Alpha." An emotionless expression took over as I bowed, quickly leaving the suite.

Not trying to be an ungrateful brat, but this concerns my sister. Even though I knew she was the mastermind, I can't bring myself to hand her over to the Alpha.

My father will resent me for the rest of my life, thinking that I have framed her instead.

He has already forsaken me.

What would make him look at me the same again?



My legs were tucked in as I sat by my mother's grave, tears wetting the grass patch beneath me.

All I want is love from my family, why is this so hard?

When the man who is made for me entered my life, all I could do was reject him.

I feel so torn that I have to be cold towards my destined mate who have been trying to close the gap between us.

Yet, I keep pushing him away for umpteen times.

I don't deserve him..

I clenched my fists tightly, inflicting pain on my palms as the wounds opened once more.

Why is the Moon Goddess so cruel to him? Matching him with me is a huge mistake.

He could have found a better mate out there in this world.

A sudden chill made me shiver as my wolf tensed immediately.

Her silver eyes scanned across the perimeter, her body on full alert.

If my wolf was reacting like this, it means there must be someone lingering in the vicinity.

And it must be someone dangerous.

"Someone is here." Her tail stood up quickly, her body ready to shift as if it was danger.

I crouched lowly, my eyes scanning the area as it followed the movement made in the bushes.

A figure came out from the bushes, his icy, cold eyes staring at me as though he was about to make a move.

Immediately, he dashed across the grass patch, his right hand holding a blade.

I dodged the first attack, quickly bending down as I punched him in his guts.

He seemed unaffected as he hastily wielded his blade like he has done before multiple times.

Each time he attacked me with the blade, I quickly dodged by moving backwards.

I swiftly moved to the left, nearly almost touching my face.

But, I didn't manage to dodge his next move.

I clenched my fists tightly as blood flowed down my left arm.

With a cry, I punched him in the face which had him stumbled back in shock.

I quickly took advantage in that milisecond, twisting his arm to the back as he growled.

My attempt to get the blade out of his hands failed as he punched me in my guts instead, pulling me towards him.

In a swift move, he plunged the blade down my abdomen.

My eyes widened instantly as I stared down at the blade pierced through my skin, blood oozing out in waves.


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8 Dec'18

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